Part 1

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Ping, a familiar name popped up on my phone, wonder what he wants... I had not heard from him in 7 years, 7 years to the day to be precise, the day I handed back my collar. I clicked on the message

"Hey there Kitty, wanna play?"

I looked at it for a few minutes contemplating what to do, then closed my phone. Ping, ping, ping haha still the same preditable, impatient, can't abide not been answered, I clicked on the message


"I taught you better little Kitty"

"It's rude not to respond to a question"

Chuckling to myself I yet again closed down the message and carried on. Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping 

"Someone's eager to speak to you" sniggered Sam, "who is it?"

"No one of importance, a blast from the past"

"Ooooooo now I'm intrigued do tell"

"A lady never kisses and tells"

"Have it your way but you know I will find out eventually" and she awalys did, she would pester me till I broke down, I don't know how she does it could learn a few lessons from that one. Knock knock in waltzed Tim 

"Good morning all how are we on this fine morning?" He was a tall gangly man with a mop of messy ginger hair and emerald green eyes.

"Morning Tim all ready and raring to go?" 

"That I am just want to run these boards by you if that is OK?" 

"Of course come in" Sam said her goodbyes and left not before signalling to me to be continued, that woman never let's up I thought to myself. The day passed quickly my team were hard at work prepping for the meeting this afternoon with the head honchos of the new multimillion pound account we had just landed and everything had to be perfect. However I couldn't help myself every now and again I would glance over at the phone and see the five notifications sat there, screaming at me to open them, No time for that I had to be on my game ,100 percent focused on the task in hand we needed this new account work had been slow since the pandemic and this would take some of the pressure off. 

The room was ready I had all my best people in there ready to tackle this all guns blazing, I gave myself one last look in the mirror, took a deep breathe and off I went. The meeting room was buzzing with activity there were people everywhere some I knew and some I didn't then we locked eyes, what the fuck, there he was, his dark eyes trained on me like it was yesterday. I turned on my prada heels and bolted to the safety of my office. Knock knock in walks Sam, "everything OK boss?" 

"No, you know that blast from the past, the one of no importance, well he is currently stood in my meeting room"

"Now that's what we call a sticky situation isn't it" She giggles.

"It's not funny, we need this account, what the hell am I going to do"

"Do what you always do pull up your big girl panties up, face the music and blow this new accounts socks off."

"Your right" and she was he had no hold over me anymore. We walked back in to the meeting by this time everyone had taken there seats, I introduced myself, my company and what we were going to do to help them tap into markets previously untapped then handed over the reigns to my second in command Tim and then the meeting was in full swing. I could feel his eyes piercing through me willing me to glance his way, be strong, be strong, dont look was the mantra dancing through my head, don't give him what he wants, when I was snapped back in to the room by someone saying my name. 

"Yes" I answered to the room not really knowing who had addressed me. 

"Miss Lonetti now I have your undevided attention can you tell me why we at Sassy's Apperel should let you handle our sales here in London?" And then it clicked I should of known that text didn't come out of nowhere he had done his research, he knew it was my company. I put on my biggest professional smile "well......" I hit him with our statistics, numbers, success stories, knowledge base and backgrounds on all the people personally handling his account.

"They are some impressive numbers however if I am going to hand my companies sales to your company I want you heading the account"

"Mr Woody it has been a long time since I have headed an account and that is because I have the best people in the industry working for me and have no need I completely trust my people and their capabilities."

"Miss Lonetti I completely understand what you are saying however this is my company and I want you heading the campaign as I know it is you that is the best in the business not your people" 

"As you wish" that all to familiar saying had her mind rushing back to times of old, chained to his bed, kneeling before him, willing to fulfill his every fantasy. A low chuckle pulled me from my memories 

"Fantastic I will have my people draw up all the legalities and have them emailed over, any changes you would like to make please feel free" he then turned to the room "Now if you will all excuse myself and Miss Lonetti there are some legalities we need to discuss privately" and with that he stood to leave to the room, me following like a good little Kitty. The minute the door closed I turned on him

"What do you think your doing? What are you playing at? How dare you belittle my staff".

"Well little Kitty I see someone has still got her claws" he sniggered "now calm down and let's discuss this like civilised adults. I know your team are the best out there and I know you have some of the leading people in the industry working for you but I want you heading my campaign. Nobody knows me better than you do, you know how I work, you know how I like things done, in and out of office hours". I felt my cheeks flush.

"Mr Woody may I remind you, you don't get to say things like that to me anymore"

"You forget little Kitty I say and do what I want, i always get what i want." His eyes locked on me like a trained target. I felt my core tighten, heat pooling between my legs. How can he still make my body react this way?? Why was my body acting this way?? "And you are what I want" with that he stalked across my office, pinning me between the wall and his hard muscular body . 

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