Chapter 3

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When Kit began yawning, she finally bid the bikers a good night. Opie asked if she was ok to drive since she'd been drinking all night with them. She promised she was ok to drive earning a head nod from Quinn. She thanked them for keeping her laughing and the great evening earning a smile from both bikers. She wanted to say goodbye to Tig but he was sitting out by the boxing ring with a blond crow eater so she opted to just leave the compound and head home. She drove carefully and made it home with no problems. When she was preparing to go to bed, she received a text. Wondering who it could be, she grabbed her phone.

Tig: I'm sorry I missed you. Please tell me you made it home safely. I hope you had a good time tonight. <3

She smiled at his thoughtfulness. It took a minute or so before she answered as she wasn't sure what to tell him.

Kit: It's ok, you were busy. Yes, I made it home fine. Getting ready for bed now. I'll see you Sunday. Thanks for helping me.

Tig: It's my pleasure, Doll. Get some rest. See you Sunday.

She put her phone on its charger, turned the bedside lamp off, then rolled onto her side to try and get some sleep. She didn't typically work on the weekends but was on call if she was needed. Saturdays were usually for cleaning her house, doing grocery shopping for the week, and running any other errands she needed. After breakfast on Saturday, she headed out to do her shopping. She thought she'd pick up some packing boxes for when Opie and Tig came over to help her pack up all of Evan's things. As she did her grocery shopping, she began to think of what to make the two men for helping with the packing process. At first she thought about doing a pot roast but she was afraid it wouldn't be done in time. She wanted something hearty, filling, and delicious. After much debate with herself, she decided on making a baking dish of enchiladas. With all her errands run, she headed back home to unload her vehicle. It was lonely shopping for one but she hoped before long, she and Tig could come out with their relationship and he could move in with her. That night, instead of cooking, she called in to the local Thai place for dinner. Evan had hated Thai food so she never got to eat it very often when he was still alive.

Sunday rolled around and Kit felt a little excited. She'd get to see Tig outside of the clubhouse even if Opie would be with them. She popped two frozen waffles in the toaster for breakfast and poured herself a glass of OJ instead of making coffee that morning. After she'd eaten and cleaned up from breakfast, she sat in the living room to await her guests. She'd taken out hamburger meat to thaw the night before. As she sat in the living room watching TV, there finally came a knock at the door. She turned the TV off then went to the door. As she hoped, she found the two bikers standing there smiling at her. She smiled at both men as she moved out of the way to let them in. They greeted one another cordially before Opie told her to show them where they needed to start working. She explained most of what was in the garage was Evan's and he was free to look through his tools and other junk out there. Opie chuckled and headed into the garage. She turned to Tig and said all his clothes and such needed to be packed up. He followed her into their bedroom and looked around.

He followed her into Evan's closet, as there were two walk-in closets, and pushed her up against the wall making her giggle. He quickly pressed his lips to hers making her moan at the contact. He slipped his hand underneath her tank top and ran it up to her breast giving it a squeeze. She pulled away and shook her head no, "Not here." He sighed before kissing her one last time. It killed her not to let him have his way with her but there was someone else in the house they had to be wary of. The pair began cleaning out Evan's closet, folding up his clothes, and putting them in cardboard boxes. She planned on donating the clothes, shoes, and belts to the local thrift shop. His tools and other stuff, she figured she'd let whoever wanted it to have it otherwise she planned to just donate it all to the local thrift store as well. Opie came into the bedroom and asked if it was ok to call the rest of the bikers over to go through Evan's tools and such. "The more y'all take, the less I have to deal with. Go ahead." she smiled at the tall blond. He thanked her before leaving Tig and Kit alone once more.

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