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I glance at the time ; it's almost 14:00, she was supposed to be here by now and we'll she's not.

At 20 years old, this is what I do. I walk people's dogs, I was just waiting for Jina (one of the dogs I walk).

I studied to be a vet however I dropped because again, I dreamed of having something I shouldn't have. I own two room apartment and it's nice sometimes but again I've been alone almost all my life so now it's not that enjoyable.

I grew up in a orphanage, I had two foster parents so far but they dropped me for some unknown reason. I went to college for two years but my funding dropped me so I couldn't continue ; after that I applied for part time jobs in restaurants, factories and now I walk pets.

Of course I haven't wasted all the money on junk food and clothes. I took online short courses in the commercial industry, health care(mostly hair care) and cooking(I literally needed it).

Of course I went to sites for funding so I could go back and pursue my dream but there were many other people too and my story seemed 'unrealistic' as they would comment.

'this is your typical orphan girl who has nothing better to do with life'
'where are your parents?'
'don't rich people donate to orphanages'
'sell your body'
'there's many ways to make money with that Highschool certificate'
'dude if you're hungry just go to beg for food out there, scamming people in broad daylight'
'what's a 15 year old doing in college?'

I started think was I dreaming too much for something that was out of reach? Can't I dream like other people?  Yes my face makes me look young, yes I'm a bit short but does everything have to be so FAR for me to REACH?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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