Flintlock (My OC)

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Flintlock died in 1975, he was part of the mafia, one score got him to become greedy and paranoid to where he killed his 'family'. After arriving in hell he became overlord to the greed ring of hell after waging war on the previous overlord. Then he met Alastor, who convinced him to work at the hotel as security, Flintlock took the job and fell in love with Charlie, but he was scared to even tell her how he felt, he decided to keep these feelings for her a secret between him and those he saw as dear friends. Flintlock has a very bitter rivalry with the Vees, especially Vox. Flintlock carries a pistol, tommy gun, and his whisky flask always, he can seem a bit rough at first glance since he's a wolf with a scar going over one eye, but deep down, he loves his friends at the hotel and would risk himself to death to see them all safe, successful, and redeemed. 

Hazbin Hotel RPTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon