No Integrity

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Stan Marsh was listening to the Guns N Roses Album-The Spaghetti Incident. He sang along with the song Down on the Farm.

His dad came into his room and said "I don't like those lyrics. Why aren't you happy living on a farm?"

Stan cut the music and answered "well it makes my life harder. It takes me an hour to get to school and an hour to get home from school. The toilets are around here are fucking old and filthy. Oh and I'm still not happy with the way you've treated me lately. I took a vaping pen from a Kindergartener and you sent me to my room plus I was wrongly accused of killing a kid in school and you just got high and played a fucking video game."

Randy slammed his hand down on a dresser and said "well I think you're just an ungrateful little bastard child."

"WHAT!" Stan exclaimed.

Randy added "shortly before we moved to this farm you rejected church."

Stan shot back "calling your kid a 'bastard child' for not being interested in church is hardly a pc-progressive thing to do."

"Okay so what" replied Randy.

Stan exhaled and asked "why did we have to move? It wasn't my fault Mister Hankey took Ambien and tweeted a ton of bullshit. It also wasn't my fault that my stupid sister was caught vaping at recess."

Randy asked Stan "do you want to move back to South Park?"

Stan answered "I would if I could live with Kyle. I love Kenny like a brother but I don't want to live with him. If I can't live with Kyle I'll try living with Wendy."

Randy asked "didn't she dump you?"

Stan answered "whatever I'll get ready and head into town."

Stan Marsh spent an hour packing his things. He had a suitcase and a backpack and he jumped on a Wi-Fi Scooter and headed to South Park.

The first house he hit at 5PM in the evening was Wendy's house. When he knocked on the door and Wendy answered she snapped "what the hell do you want Stan?"

Stan answered "I'm tired of living on a farm with my schizophrenic dad. I'm hoping we can resolve our past problems. I'm hoping I can live with you even if just temporarily."

Wendy's face dropped big time and she responded "you've got to be kidding."

Stan snapped "I'm totally fucking serious. I miss you and I think we can get our relationship going again."

Stan held up his cellphone and played November Rain on it.

After a few minutes of listening to the GNR hit ballad Wendy said "let me talk to my parents. I'll tell them you've run away because your dad is crazy and I know your older sister beats you on occasion."

Stan said "thank you" with a big smile on his face.

Wendy's parents agreed to let Stan stay in the guest room and for a three-week period.

After dinner Wendy and Stan talked and got caught up on everything.

After Wendy's parents went to bed at 11PM they made out by the fireplace.

It was dinner time in the Testaburger Household. Stan had a big smile on his face.

"This is great fish Mrs. Testaburger" said Stan just before scarfing down another bite.

Wendy was annoyed.

Her dad said "Stan we need to talk about you staying here. You're not a bad boy don't get me wrong. However we're concerned there maybe issues of intimacy."

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