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Anastasia dashes through the maze of narrow streets, her breath coming in ragged gasps and the sound of her pounding footsteps echoes off the weathered buildings around her. The urgency of her escape fuels her movements, driving her to push herself to the limit as she navigates the alleys.

Bucky and Steve are hot on her heels, their relentless pursuit closing the gap with each passing moment. Their footsteps resound behind her, a relentless reminder of her imminent threat chasing her down and the streets blur together as Ana races through the winding passages. She dodges past obstacles and hurdles over debris, her movements fluid and instinctual as she strives to stay one step ahead of her pursuers.

With each turn she takes, Ana's desperation mounts, her senses strained to the breaking point as she searches for any sign of escape. But the looming shadows and dead ends seem to conspire against her, forcing her ever closer to the inevitable confrontation.

As she rounds yet another corner, her heart sinks as she comes face to face with the dead-end before her. Panic threatens to overtake her, but she refuses to succumb. With a quick glance upward, she spots the guttering on the edge of the building to her left and makes a split-second decision to climb, her muscles burning with exertion as she ascends to the flat rooftop.

Meanwhile, Bucky and Steve arrive at the dead end, their eyes scanning the alley for any sign of their elusive quarry. Their hearts sink as they realize Anastasia has vanished, seemingly without a trace.

As Steve moves forward, ready to continue their search, Bucky's keen instincts kick in. He knows Anastasia better than anyone, having trained her himself, and he understands the lengths she's willing to go to evade capture. With a quick glance upward, he spots the half wall around the rooftop and the guttering leading up to it.

Realization dawns on him as he pieces together Ana's potential escape route. Without a moment's hesitation, he stops Steve in his tracks and gestures silently to the rooftop. His voice carries a quiet authority as he addresses the empty air.

"Anastasia, I know you are up there," he calls out, his tone firm but not threatening. He hopes his familiarity with her will convince her to reveal herself, to trust that he won't harm her.

Steve looks at Bucky, surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. But he trusts his friend's instincts and follows his lead, keeping a watchful eye on the rooftop as they wait for any sign of movement.

Above them, Anastasia freezes at the sound of Bucky's voice, her heart pounding in her chest. She hadn't expected him to know she was there so quickly, and a surge of panic threatens to overwhelm her.

But there's something in Bucky's voice, a hint of understanding and maybe even empathy, that gives her pause. 

With a deep breath, she peeks over the edge of the rooftop, meeting Bucky's gaze with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. "Leave me the fuck alone!" She calls down to Barnes, her eyes locking with his.

Bucky's jaw tightens at Ana's vehement response, her words cutting through the tension-filled air like a knife. He can feel Steve's eyes on him, silently urging him to find a way to break through to her, but he's not sure how.

"Ana, listen to me," Bucky begins, his voice steady but tinged with frustration. "You can't keep running like this. You're only making things harder for yourself."

Ana's eyes narrow, her stance defensive as she meets Bucky's gaze with unyielding defiance. "And what would you know about it, huh?" she retorts, her voice dripping with disdain. "You think you can just hunt me down again and tell me what to do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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𝙴𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now