Part 1

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—Authors note—
•—Please excuse my Grammar, I am horrible since I type wayyy too quickly so I miss letters or add more than usual—•


"For as long as can be remembered, storks delivered babies..."

Images of Storks delivering babies through the Stone Age through to Egyptian age were carved into stone

"From their perch on Stork mountain"

There you saw five Storks flying from a magnificent building high up in the clouds just perching on a rock.

"It was an honour and a privilege to serve."

A male Stork was seen flying with a small tanned baby in a white sheet, who happened to have blonde hair and big brown eyes.

"It was our duty, our core belief, the driving force of our very lifeblood"

The baby then cooed to the male stork while gently holding his beak, "Aw...Ow!" The baby had grabbed snatched his beak to the side, causing the bird to start to the right. We now saw another bird, skinnier looking, feeding a darker skin toned baby with bright purple curly hair

"It wasn't always easy"

The baby had kicked the bottle, making the Stork quickly catch it in a panic while maintaining the baby's safety.

"This was our challenge."

Another baby was drinking milk from its bottle and began spitting it out and into the face of a female Stork, who sadly had to try and fly through the pain.

"This, was our sacred duty"

A different baby with a different male stork had began rattling its rattle right in his unbothered and tired looking face. Another baby was banging on a storks beak while gummy biting his beak

"No matter how tough"

More baby's began piling onto the same unbothered stork and doing many chaotic mischief they could do while clearly, being entertained by their annoyance.

"Or impossible, or brutal"

More babies than began piling on and were doing their own annoying objectives with the very same stork, one of them poking his eye, the Stork was seeking to be completely unbothered by it.

"Or harsh, or inhumane, or savage. We would triumph over adversity"

A Stork was flying through the cloud with a brunette baby, when suddenly, a large plane had come right into view of the Stork who had quickly flown out of the way as quickly and skilfully as possible, he was thin spun upside down and soon enough he was right side up, "Phew."

The Stork looked at the flinging cloth in his beak and soon it moved out of the way, to show the baby falling down to its death, "AH!" in a panic the Stork flew pencil thin downwards to catch the giggling baby.

"Gotcha!" The Stork exclaimed while exhaling in sweet relief, but soon was met with not being able to stop himself from plummeting down towards the busy, busy road.

"Oh!" The Stork has landed on the road and a cat had attached itself to his head, then a slab of wood hit his face, forcing the cat into the air and flying backwards.

A bike had swished past him Helme he was soon hit in the head by a round spiked ball, then a sudden hit by a bowling ball and more splinters smashing his face.

Three bikes then ran right over his head, all while the baby was kept from harms away, propped on the Stork's hand and up in the air behind him, seeming a bit too cheery for the situation going on.

It then froze to the Stork having a broke right on his right eye while his teeth were all crooked and dust was seen flying everywhere

"Thank goodness we don't do that anymore!"

There was godly music when Junior was seen flying through the cloud with a metal package in his beak, a hopeful couple was awaiting at their doorstep while looking like they've lost hope.

"There! Right there!" The male said, making his partner look up and immediately smiled while the two were patiently waiting Junior land.

"The problem was, we had the wrong cargo"

The couple then excitedly looked at the package Junior was holding as he gracefully landed (Show off) the woman then excitedly jumped.

He had given the couple the package while taking a few steps back and using his hand as emphasise with how glorious the package looked.

The couple then gladly took the package and opened it with gratitude written all one regier features, the small door of the egg shaped package then opened, revealing two small cardboard boxes. "Our new phones!"

"Luckily, now, Storks deliver packages for"
{"Good day" then starts playing}

Junior was seen flying through the metal building while there were hundreds of  conveyors sprayed across the entire hurling with thousands of boxes of many different shapes and sizes, being transported to one place, to another.

A Stork was seen with headphones on while Junior had high fived him, "My dude!" Exclaimed the Stork while his entire body turned to watch Junior fly away.

{"Oh Yeah"}

"Yo, Kevron. Lookin' good, my man" Junior waved to a Stork who was in a massive yellow machine while he was wearing a yellow helmet.

"Oh, I love this guy!" Kevron spoke on loud speaker while pointing to where Junior was flying off to while smiling brightly.

Junior was just giving to the music while still flying through the massive store without a care in the world.

A crowd of Storks near a small building was seen, cheering for Junior with smiles all over their faces, going from ear to ear.

Junior then landed in 'style' while the other Storks had clapped for him. "Perfect landing. Chiggy-check." He exclaimed but everything slowed down when he saw a specific Stork.

{"But! I just died in your arms tonight!"}

Junior was watching his all time best friend, (Name), she was amongst the crowd, pushing along a cart full of boxes, to a normal bird she would look just like the rest of the Storks.

But for Junior, she was everything you could possibly imagine, he just smiled to her goofily while walking towards the elevator doors, except he had ran into it making everyone look at him concerned.

"I got it!" Junior had quickly responded while grabbing his ID strapped to somewhere on himself and tried opening it, but it was the ring way, he then looked back and saw (Name) looking right at him, which made him panic and run straight into the wall and then into the room.

He didn't see her chuckling to herself while shaking her head, Junior's heard was pounding a hundred miles an hour in his chest, but he ignored it when he got stares from his peers in the change rooms, he then cleared his throat awkwardly while he had shook himself from his thoughts.

"What? A millionth package!? Not possible, I thought I was only a 20?" He quickly said making everyone go back to what they were doing, Junior then began walking through the change rooms while saying 'hi' and fist pumping other Storks who were fan girling over him.

"Hey, Junior, are you gonna celebrate?" One of the storks asked while having a towel around his waist "You know what? Your right. I should celebrate." Junior said while walking towards his bright orange coloured locker: 040.

He then opened it while brushing his artificial hair (Known as head feather by me) there he looked into the mirror, you could see it covering a photo of the boss of CornerStore.Com as well as covering a photo of him and (Name) while his tie was off to the side.

Word count: 1270 or smth

—I am so sorry to cut this chapter short, but it was getting wayyyy too long, I hope you guys enjoyed this! And also hope your not too angry with how I positioned (Name) to be doing in this story—

—I also may be quite slow with this since I'm very busy with family problems so that is that, byee—

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