Accidents - II

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Ishan had enjoyed teasing shubhman thoroughly that day.

He made jokes on lessons for proper usage of towels and dangers accidental flashing the entire day.

Considering the ungodly amount of shorty jokes Ishan had been on the receiving end of, it was well deserved in his opinion.

At some point when they were in the dressing room after practice and shubhman had just come out of the shower, he had grabbed the waistband of his trousers, tugged and snapped them.

The reaction was priceless.

He had shrieked, jumped and dropped the bundle of clothes in his hands while trying to grab his trousers.

Ishan's own laughter was joined by everyone around them.

But then his teammates joined in on the teasing and that's when everything went to shit.

Suddenly...... It didn't feel that good anymore.

Especially when he took a good look at shubhman's face, who was trying his best to plaster a fake smile on and go along with his teammates jokes.

To ishan, He looked like he was one second away from bursting into tears.

Guilt churned in his gut.

Maybe he went too far?

The way shubhman was clutching his bag to his chest and looking down at the floor, not meeting anyone's eyes and desperately plastering a fake smile on his face gave him the answer.

During dinner he barely ate a few spoons of pasta before bolting for their room.

So ishan shoved down his own food quickly and ran after him.

He entered their room and saw him curled up inside a blanket on his side of the bed.

Are you sleeping?"

Dumb question.

He poked the bundle of blankets in front of him.

"Heeeey... Wake up now, c'mon."

He kept poking until the bundle finally stirred.

There was some shuffling and finally his roommate's head popped out from under the blanket.

His face was clear, but his eyes were bloodshot and glassy.

Ishan instantly felt his guilt increase ten fold.

"What do you want?"

He sounded tired.

"I'm Sorry."


"I'm sorry....for the morning know..."

"It's okay."
He cut him off and pulled the blanket back over his head.

Ishan had a feeling that he was absolutely not okay.
So he continued.

"I didn't think they would join in like that. I mean it.... I'm don't cry now plea- "

Shubhman threw the blanket away and sat up.

"Who's CRYING!?

I'M NOT CRYING! Do I look like a sniveling child to you?"

Oops. He hit a nerve.

"You are a child in a giraffe's body but that's besides the point.
Will you stop crying now or do you want a pacifier?"

Ishan mentally slapped himself.
Sometimes, his brain and mouth forget to coordinate.


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