cinnamon swirls of fate

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Meanwhile, across town, Shiro, Kōenji, Senko, and Nakano huddled together in a cozy corner of their favorite hangout spot. Excitement sparkled in their eyes as they whispered conspiratorially, their voices barely above a hush.

"We need to do something to bring Yoko and Don together," Shiro declared, her expression determined.

Kōenji nodded in agreement, her mind already racing with ideas. "I know... We could set them up on a blind date. It'll be perfect!"

Senko's eyes twinkled mischievously as she pondered the suggestion. "What do you think, Nakano?" she asked, turning to her close friend for input.

Nakano shrugged nonchalantly, his attention momentarily diverted by his phone. "Sure, why not? Anything to help out a friend," he replied absentmindedly.

With their plan in place, the group set to work, orchestrating every detail with meticulous care. From selecting the perfect venue to crafting the ideal ambiance, they spared no effort in ensuring that Yoko and Don's blind date would be nothing short of magical.

cinnamon touch ― #TANUKINARI Where stories live. Discover now