one. project lebron

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real life !

Nico Saint was currently hanging out at the neumann household per usual. she and nelson sat in his room, nelson trying to teach nico fortnite

to say nico was ass, would be an understatement. she'd gotten two bot kills but her aim was terrible.

"fuck !" she exclaimed as she died once again, placing 72nd. "this game is bullshit bro" nico groaned, rolling her eyes

nelson chuckled from beside his girlfriend, rubbing her thigh gently as she dramatically fell backwards onto the bed.

nelson decided to join nico in laying down. "its ok, ma. its like your third time playing, it takes time to get good. and the new season just came out"

nico huffed, "no more fortnite for today, im sick of it" she dramatically spoke, now laying her head in his lap. "thats fine, ma" nelson said

niles soon ran into the room. "im bored !" he whined, falling next to nico.

"i think lavar coming over later so we can meet his baby" nelson told his little brother, making nico gasp and sit up

nicos jaw dropped, "really ?! ive been waiting to meet that baby ! cant believe im an aunt to two babies now" nico thought out loud

niles sat up aswell, "have you met that baby yet ?" he asked, nico shaking her head. "no, but i know her name is polly ! my mom told me"

nelson pouted softly, knowing his girlfriend so badly wanted to meet her niece. "are they staying in connecticut for good ?" nelson asked, gently rubbing her thigh to soothe her

"i dont think so. my mom hasn't told me anything, but i never know usually. doubt it'll make a difference in him actually talking to me" nico said

both neumanns could tell nico was extremely bothered by her brothers no contact. nico herself thought she was doing a great job at hiding how hurt she was

niles stood up, "let me know when lavar gets here" he told the two before exiting nelsons room

nico called out to the younger boy, "love you, niles !" she recieved a faint "love you too" from niles as he walked down the hall

nelson pretended to be hurt. "more than me ?" he was just trying to make nico smile, which he succeeded.

"i dont love anyone more than you, nelson. and you should know that" nico told him truthfully, leaning over and placing a short kiss on her boyfriends lips

nelson blushed at her words, "i love you, ma" he told her truthfully, making nico smile. "i love you so much, baby" she responded

the two decided to watch a movie to pass the time until lavar and kendolll came over with their new born baby

real life !

Nico Saint had accidentally fallen asleep on her boyfriends chest halfway through the movie 'Zapped' on disney plus

she was shaken awake by nelson. "mm ?" she hummed while blinking, trying to take in her surroundings

"lavar and kendolll are here" nelson told her, softly rubbing her arm. nico sat up once she realized she was still laying on nelsons chest, somewhat trapping him "sorry" she muttered

nelson smiled softly, "never be sorry, i love laying with you, but we do gotta answer the door"

nico blushed, the relationship stuff was still new to her, even if she and nelson had been dating for nine months.

the two stood up, preparing to head downstairs and greet kendolll and lavar at the front door. once nelson opened his bedroom door, the two were infront of the door

nico gasped at the sight of the newborn, "oh my gosh, he's so adorable !" she gushed as she laid eyes on the baby

nelson smiled, dapping up lavar. "cute as hell man" nelson told lavar

kendolll walked over to the couch in nelsons room, taking a seat with the baby. "you guys wanna hold him ?" she asked

nelson sat next to kendolll gently, trying not to make the baby cry. kendolll placed her newborn in nelsons arms

"so we're keeping his face and name kinda secret from social media, so i been calling him project lebron" lavar explained

both teens nodding, their eyes stuck on the baby. "okay, my turn this is unfair" nico decided, letting kendolll place the newborn in her arms

nicos braces showed as she smiled at the baby, "is this baby fever ? cause now i really want a baby" nico glanced at kendolll

kendolll nodded with a smirk, "you too young to be acting on the baby fever. you can have it, just dont act on it till you 20"

"200 !" lavar interjected making everyone else laugh. "i aint joking" lavar added sassily

nico shook her head, her eyes still focused on the baby. "as cute as they are, i could not handle a baby. if i want one, ill just come over and steal him !" nico joked, cooing at the baby

lavar laughed, "why not take your niece" he asked, making nico bite her bottom lip softly. "well he's my nephew so shut up" nico responded, trying not to dampen the mood at the mention of her niece

lavar began making a tiktok, interviewing nico about the baby. "im callin him project lebron, whatchu think ?" he asked

nico smiled, glancing up at the phone camera, "i'd personally aim for my kid to be shaq but lebron cool too. i dont care what he turns out to be, project lebron is adorable" nico told the camera

nelson laid his head on nicos shoulder gently. "could you imagine us having a kid ?" he asked into her ear so only she could hear

"not for a very long time . but eventually yeah" nico admitted, turning her head to look at nelson, their noses almost touching

nelsons eyes flickered to nicos lips, "i really wanna kiss you right now" he told her, nico smiling softly. "not while im holding the baby" she jokingly scolded, cradling the baby closer to her

project lebron might be her new favorite human, after nelson of course.

mia talks !

lavar and kendolll have not shown their babys face or name, and everybody should respect that !

nico having baby fever is so reall

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