Chapter 1: Adam

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Hell was just as loud as usual. Everyone had been joyful ever since extermination was cancelled for good. Lute, however, was not happy. She had lost her dear friend, Adam, to those demons. Little did she know, Adam was now in Hell. He broke the rules of killing a Hellborn. He would've succeeded if it weren't for Lucifer. He might've been sent to Hell by Sera for that, if he did. Adam was lying on the ground. He slowly opened his eyes to see that too familiar sky. "What the fuck..." He mumbled to himself as he stood up. He was in Hell, he was sure of it. But why? Wasn't he dead? He shakily got up as he walked over to a cracked mirror he saw in a garbage can. He took it and looked into it. His clothes were now black, and his big robe was cut at the bottom so you could see his legs. He was wearing big spiky boots as well. He noticed he wasn't wearing his mask, but he still kept horns. He even had a tail. But he no longer had any wings. He thought he looked cool nonetheless. "Why the fuck am I here..." He asked himself, tail wagging. He then heard footsteps behind him. He turned around with the mirror, and tossed it at whoever was behind him.

It shattered against the wall, startling what appeared to be a short man. Wait a second... "Lucifer??" He said aloud. Lucifer turned to him, smirking. "Well, if it isn't Adam, first man himself. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be like... dead?" He asked him, Adam shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. But it's most certainly confusing..." Lucifer chuckled, taking in his new appearance. "You broke the rule. You're not supposed to kill a Hellborn! Yet, you tried to kill my daughter." Adam crossed his arms. "So that's what this is about. The fact that I tried to kill her? You are just pathetic weaklings." Lucifer smiled, getting closer to him. "I'm sorry, but who got his ass kicked and then murdered by someone smaller than him. And she was a demon! Seems like you're the weakling here, buddy. And definitely pathetic." His face turned a bit red from embarrassment. "Nice outfit, by the way. Your eyes look nice too. You are right where you belong. In Hell."

Adam flipped him off as if it would do something. "Fuck you! You're just a fuckin' clown or something!" Lucifer laughed. "Welp, you need help?" Adam crossed his arms. "Fuck no I don't need help. Not from the likes of you." Lucifer shrugged. "Suit yourself! I think all the sinners here would attack you if they knew who you-" Adam interrupted him, angry. "I'm fuckin' Adam, bitch! I didn't deserve to be put in this Hellhole with you FREAKS." Lucifer stared at him before covering his mouth. "Unless you shout about it to the whole fucking place." Adam backed up a bit as Lucifer removed his hand. "What I was going to say, is if they knew the person who's been causing them so much pain and suffering was stuck down here with them, they will not be too happy with you. I bet you'd only survive an hour alone, maybe less." Adam rolled his eyes. "Jeez, you have sooo much hope for me," he said in a sarcastic manner. Lucifer smirked and backed up. "Yep! See yah!" His wings came out as turned around. Adam watched as he spread his wings, about to fly away. When he quickly grabbed his wing. Lucifer turned around and punched Adam in the face.

"Shit! Don't scare me like that, jackass!" He then noticed Adam covering his face. "What, did I hit the baby too hard?" Adam didn't respond, so Lucifer forcefully pulled his hands away from his face. He saw the golden blood trickling down his face. He was bleeding from his nose. But what he was most confused about was how he was bleeding gold. Only angels bled gold. Did he keep that effect? Probably. He groaned. Adam looked at him, clearly pissed. "You fucking bitch! You made my nose bleed, you fix it!" Lucifer rolled his eyes, grabbing out a napkin from his pocket. He stuck it in Adam's nose gently. "Why did you grab my wing, Adam?" Adam sighed, holding the napkin in place. "I- because... I do need help. I.. don't wanna die again." He had to admit it. He couldn't survive on his own. He needed help. Lucifer put his hand to his chin and rubbed it. "Why should I help you? You're a dick, you know." Adam groaned, "because I'll do anything!" He covered his mouth after he said that, seeing Lucifer's grin. "Anything, you say?" He chuckled and held his hand out. "Then.. let's make a deal."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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