Table Talk

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"Dinner's ready!" Sheila called out from the bottom of the stairs, to try and notify you guys as well as Ike that it was time to come down and join them at the dinner table. Ike was heard sprinting down the stairs immediately, boy must've been starving.

"C'mon, let's go see what mom's cooked for us." Kyle smiled at you as he got up from his seat, and waited for you. "My mom seems pretty excited to talk to you more, which is a really good sign." He chuckled softly to himself.

You both walked out of the bedroom, and made it down the stairs where Gerald, Sheila, and Ike were already waiting at the dinner table. Looks like you and Kyle were the last ones to make it, whoops. You both took your seats at the table, which two open seats were right beside each other, must've been thanks to Sheila.

In front of you was a plate of honey garlic chicken, with a cucumber salad as a side. Goodness, it smelled so good. "So, Y/N have you been in South Park long?" Gerald asked you, from across the table as he decided to try and get to know you better.

"Ah, well... I'd say it's been almost three weeks now, so it's not been too long." You smiled softly, answering his question. "I'm still a little unfamiliar with where everything is really located in town, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon!"

"She's staying at the Tweak residence, Tweek is her cousin." Kyle told his dad, hoping that he wouldn't ask her why she moved to South Park.

"Oh really, the... Tweak residence." Gerald tried to think about it a bit more, not really knowing what he could bring up about that family, it's not like they stood out significantly enough to him. "I don't think I know Richard enough aside from running that coffee shop."

"Yeah, Tweek Bros Coffee. I help my aunt and uncle there whenever I have the chance. It's a good way to earn some money around here." You mentioned.

"Sweetheart do you have any hobbies?" Sheila asked you, wanting to know more about you as well. She looked between you and her son, and just couldn't help but smile.

"U-uh, well..." You swallowed thickly, knowing that you really hadn't done anything interesting with your spare time recently that would be a hobby. "Video games, I guess... I also just joined the cheer squad, so that's going to be a big hobby of mine coming up, actually."

"A cheerleader? Wow, son." Gerald looked over at Kyle, and gave him a wink. Kyle in return quickly shook his head, trying to tell his dad to knock his shit off.

"My, my of course you'd be a cheerleader, hm?" Sheila smiled at you. "I can see it, the glow, the smile, you've definitely got the attitude and face of a cheerleader. Now we can watch you out on the field too during games, right?"

"As far as I know, I believe so! The cheer captain told me that we go to each game and support the team, so I'm sure we'll be there as long as there's a game." You remembered Wendy telling you about them being there for all the games. "I'm really excited to be cheering for the team, and show them my full support!"

"Yeah, Kyle needs all the support he can get if he can't get better at batting." Ike mumbled, immediately feeling his shin get kicked under the table by a nearby Kyle who glared at him.

"I don't see you out here playing sports." Kyle antagonized his brother in return.

"They only have a lacrosse team at the middle school. I'm not doing that." Ike rolled his eyes. "I want to play football."

"Honey, football is very dangerous. What if you hit your head hard enough and got a concussion? Those football players get some serious injuries on the field." Sheila mentioned to Ike, a bit concerned.

You took a bite from your honey garlic chicken now that the attention wasn't on you. The juicy meat had completely engulfed each one of your tastebuds, paired with the honey and garlic drizzle on the top of the poultry was absolutely divine. A content hum was heard from you, as you couldn't get enough of just how incredible Sheila's cooking is. "Mrs. Broflovski I must compliment your cooking, you truly know how to satisfy one's tastebuds." You complimented her cooking, and saw that she was delighted to hear this.

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now