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CatNap POV

I enter class and sit down "Hey, B.B" I say and Bobby turns around "Hey Nap!" She puts her phone in her pocket "I heard that the new guy was your roommate~" I sigh "He's so..jumpy...and...energetic..." Bobby nods "Ah, I see" I put my head on the table and then Ns. Delight comes in "Hey class! How are you y'all today?" Everyone replies with their stupid answers "Now, today we are gonna learn about the anatomy of a whale!"

 I'm also a class helper, one of the boys in my class is blind so I help him write his stuff. When we get our paper I sit next him "Hey Axol, ready?" He nods and I help him with his paper. I already finished mine so I kinda have nothing left to do after I help Axo'

Bobby takes my paper and Axo' s to the front and turns then in for us. Bobby gives me a look "Why are looking at me like that?" She giggle "I think I sense love on you!" I look at Axol and she shakes her head "No, not connected to him! Someone else! I will find then and being y'all together!" I sigh

Bobby hugs me and then starts talking about a guy in her 4th period class named Bubba "He's so cute!" I shake my head "No." She nods "Yes" I give up at this point "A least im not being Mr. Emo guy with a mask on" I roll my eyes

He's a Sweet and Cool Guy | 🌙CATNAP X DOGDAY☀ High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now