A bunny's bakery

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There lived a small white rabbit in the woods. He had a small bakery. The animals used to come to his bakery every day. From cookies to cakes, he made it all. From cookies for little kids in the neighbors to birthday cake for the royal families, he has done it all.  He is the renowned baker of the kingdom of Jibjontu, Rabbi.

One day, Rabbi was working in his bakery. He was cleaning the floor of the bakery. Smell of freshly baked buns was everywhere. Suddenly, the doorbell rung as the door opened. A crow wearing a coat and hat entered the bakery. Rabbi quickly finished his cleaning and wore his apron. 

Rabbi went to his customer and asked what he needed. "Dear customer, what would you like to buy?" "Hmm, I have a special request for you." The crow said in a deep, grumpy voice. "What might you want me to bake? A thousand cookies? A giant cake in the shape of a unicorn? Or a house made of bread?" Rabbi asked excitedly.

"Neither. I just want a simple sweet for my wife." The crow said unfazed. On the other hand, Rabbi was disappointed. "But it must be made out of a fruit called 'loveheart'." The crow added. Rabbi frowned. He has never heard of such fruit. Rabbi, who has baked with every fruit available in the kingdom, has never heard of it. 

"What fruit is it, if I may ask?" he asked the crow meekly. "It is a fruit that looks like a purple heart. It will cure all diseases and make one look younger. For your information, it is a rare fruit that only exists in the Northern Alps." "What! How would I make such a sweet!? I never even saw this fruit." Rabbi got furious.

"How would I know that? You are the renowned baker of this kingdom. I thought there was nothing the great baker couldn't do. Seems like I might've come to the wrong person." Saying that, the crow was about to leave.

Rabbi fell into deep thought. He was the greatest baker of the kingdom. He can make anything if he has the ingredients. All he needs to do is get that fruit. Yes! He will go to the alps to get the fruit. He will show the world his new creation out of a fruit that no one has ever seen.

"Wait! Mr. Crow, I will make that sweet. I will show you why I am called the great baker!" Rabbi said with a proud and confident tone.

The next day, Rabbi got ready to go to the northern alps. He put a notice of leave on the door of the bakery. He took a big bag that had some cooking utensils, a tent, a map, and a very heavy jacket. He then embarked on a journey.

While going towards the alps, he slowly gathered fruits and other things. At night, he used those to cook. He met many dangers such as bandits, big cliffs, and rivers that ended up leading to waterfalls.

He encountered  humid and tropical beaches, hot scorching deserts, and even a sea that he crossed by a ship along with other animals. He made a few friends and learned a lot of things. He met a friendly crocodile, a wise owl,  two cute twin cats and a strong wolf. Everyone got along well. Including his journey on the sea, it took him 3 months to get to the alps. 

After parting with his friends, Rabbi went to find the fruit called Loveheart.  He came to know more about this fruit throughout his journey. It looks like a purple heart. It's located in a valley that's surrounded by the highest peaks. To reach there one must fight various insects such as, scorpions, ants etc. 

Rabbi went on, on his journey to the valley. He met his first struggle, the scorpion. But Rabbi didn't fight him. Instead he baked a special sweet. A lemon tart to be exact. The scorpion ate the tart and became friend with Rabbi. He went on again.

This time he met an ant. He made an apple jelly for the ant. The ant ate it with delight and let Rabbi go. Rabbi jumped and leaped and went towards the valley.

He then met his final opponent, the wasp. Rabbi was a bit scared. He was once bullied by a wasp. But the Rabbi of now is different from the Rabbi of then. He quickly whipped up a bun filled with delicious honey. The female wasp was so delighted that she even proposed to Rabbi. But alas, he refused as he only wish to bake and take care of his bakery his whole life. The wasp was fascinated by him and let him go.

After a long walk, he finally reached the valley. At the middle of it was a giant tree made of ice. And hanging on it's branches were many Loveheart fruits. Rabbi had finally acquired the ingredient to make the sweet. 

After another 2 months he came back to his bakery. The next day, he went to the kitchen. He sliced the fruit into few pieces. Then he made a dough. He then mixed the fruit into the dough and made few sweet buns. After that he baked it he filled the buns with cream. A very nutritious and tasty fruit cream buns were ready to be sold to Mr. Crow. 

Rabbi  sent a letter to Mr. Crow letting him know that the sweet is ready. Hearing that the crow brought his wife Mrs. Crow to the bakery. When they saw that sweet and pretty bun, they instantly thanked Rabbi a lot. Rabbi had once again shown the world his talent in baking. Thus his name was left in the history books of Jibjontu as the Legendary Baker.


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