Pillow monsters

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I came back from school, did my homework and went to bed after dinner. I was so tired that, I fell asleep in 2 seconds. What happened next after I woke up was the most horrifying thing.

I woke up and saw that I was sleeping on the floor. I looked at my bed and saw cotton everywhere. My pillow and plushies were all torn into pieces.  There stood a pink rabbit like thing that had cotton stuck in it's mouth and claws. 

That's what tore my pillow! Noooooooo! My love ! My pillows and plushies! Even my bed has tears on it. I can't live without them! 

While I was panicking, the pink rabbit disappeared through my window.  I rushed to my mom's room and saw their bed in the same state. We turned the T.V on to see if there is any news about these pillow eating monsters.

From the news we got to know that these monsters are everywhere in the world by now. They are tearing apart all things that has cotton stuffed in it. Scientists has caught a few of them and are running a few experiments on them.  Until then we have to sleep on hard objects or pillows that have jute or some other stuff in them. Cotton is a no go.  

My life is ruined due to these things. I have to sleep on the floor. But then mattresses and pillows with foam became famous. But these were very very expensive as well. I live in a poor family who barely made their own pillows. How can we afford that!? I still have to sleep on the floor.

After a few days of pain, the scientists found out the reason behind these attacks. It's because the pink rabbits are supposed to be the softest thing in the world but modern cotton is far softer and loved. So they were trying to get their position as no.1 back.

I had enough with these stuff! I can't take it anymore! I then blacked out.

When I woke up, I realized that everything was a dream and my lovely pillow and plushies are fine. 

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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