Part 24

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Ion pov


Ceion:what is it you can tell me

" uhm.... I want to tell you but I think your too young to understand it .."

Ceion:oh okay ...... I think iknow what's bothering your mind Tito ion"

"Oh... really?"

Ceion:yea your bothered about mommy aren't you...

" wait.... Ho-how di-did you know?..."

Ceion: cause you looked nervous and seem shy when's mommy is around

"Wait shocks shet nakikita Nya pala yun masyado ba akong halata or he's too observing " I said in my mind

Ceion: You seem surprised when I told you that I won't notice that you like mommy

" wait what you also know that!" I said while I'm shocked by what he says

Ceion:yea i noticed it because of your actions around mommy but you seem nice so I probably liked you as my soon father or stepfather maybe cause I don't know who's my dad eh

"I seemed happy when ceion said that he liked me to be his father but when he said he didn't know who is he's father was ,I was surprised because I know that vice won't hide a secret even from a close person, but his son who doesn't know who his father is seems like vice is hiding something big from ceion and everyone" I said in my mind

" wait what you didn't know who's your father?!?......"

Ceion :  yes but I know why mommy wants to not tell me maybe she and daddy had a problem before??

"oh i think you're a smart kid because you immediately understand your family's problems and it's okay for you not to tell who your daddy is"

Ceion: oh really thank you but there's really nothing I can do but I understand i know it hurts but truth dosent hurt but acceptance does

"The depth of what you said is awesome"

Ceion: thankyou po

"Uhm.... You know parang sumosobra ang init sa pilipinas na pag isipan ko na pumunta sa beach with the all the employees "

Ceion: wait what!.. that's awesome po that would be great they can rest at the beach and swim


"I plan to tell the employees that we will be going to Boracay"

Ceion: wait sa bora.... I loved to go there but I think only employees are going to bora

" oh... don't be sad I'll make sure na makakasama ka okay so don't be sad baby ceion"

Ceion smiled at his Tito ion cause his Tito ion agree to include him

Hehe sobrang bitin eh mag review Muna kayo mag rereview din ako wag kayo mag alala may next pa mag rereview Muna ako


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