A ramdom text~

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It was a normal evening and here was
y/n walking back to her house, returning from her coaching classes, she was scared as bcz there was a surprise test in class and she scored 23 put of 25 ...... She is the best student who is always ranked first, but now there was a girl named sasha who scored 25 out of 25......she reached her home and rang the doorbell as her mother opened the door giving her a cold expression as y/n entered in

y/n's mom : freshen up your smack
y/n : mom a surprise test was held in class and i scored 2-23 out of 25
*she spoke lowly ready to hear her taunts as her mother stared at her calmly before speaking*
y/n's mom : someone's ahead you?

y/n nodded as her mom spoke again coldly

y/n's mom : who and by how much?
y/n : s-sasha.....she scored 25 out of 2-25

Her mother's eyes widened while y/n prepared herself for taunts

y/n' mom : you didn't study, right?.....
y/n : it was s-surpris-
y/n's mom : SO WHAT?!

y/n flinched hard as tears filled her eyes

y/n's mom : if you're studying like this then better stop studying and help me in houseworks....do you have any work at home? No right. Then why don't you study.....you've just one task which is to study and you cannot even do that properly.....how did she go ahead of you?!....i want more than 95% in this upcoming unit tests otherwise you know what'll happen

Speaking roughly her mother walked back to the kitchen as y/n headed upstairs with a sad face, her lips curved down indicating she was about to cry. Poor girlie had no one to talk to.

Entering her room, she plopped herself on the bed......taking her phone which was lying on the bed, she switched on Instagram to scroll through, she rewatched her story (come on i do that thousands of times a day🥲) opening the chat section she saw and I'd which was unknown to her, her account was private she doesn't remember when she accepted the follow request, it surely was a boy, she can say that by looking at the pfp......it was written, "Replied to your story"

As she opened the chat, she saw.......

Stay tuned to know further!!!
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Published : 21/03/24               

                                                      words : 414

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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