A Birthday Wish

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Diary Entry - Eve of My 20th Birthday

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is my 20th birthday, and as the clock ticks closer to midnight, I can't help but feel sad. Birthdays have always been a mix of happy and sad for me - a day filled with people wishing me well, parties, and quick moments of joy. But deep down, I know it doesn't last.

Every year, like clockwork, I receive messages from friends, family, and others. They come in cheerful texts, balloons, and notes on colorful cards. But among all the messages, there's one I really want to hear - his.

I met him on a dating site, of all places. We talked a lot, sharing hopes, dreams, and vulnerable secrets into the night. It felt like we'd known each other forever, MFEO as he said, even though we'd never met in person.

But then, he disappeared as quickly as he came. The messages slowed down until they stopped completely. He stopped talking to me, and I wondered what I did wrong.

Yet, even with everything, I still hope. Maybe he'll reach out to me on my birthday, a small glimmer of hope in the dark. I know it's silly to hold onto this hope, but sometimes the heart wants what it wants.

So, as I sit here on the eve of my 20th birthday, surrounded by birthday decorations, I find myself waiting - waiting for a wish from that one special person who, for a moment, made me believe in miracles or should I say love?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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