The beauty in movment

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Kalels POV
Me and Saywer walked together through the wood. At least it was walking to us. To others we were zooming faster then anything. Around us were normal forest life as you would expect it. But they moved ever so slowly.
When we run everything around us decreases in speed. And its beatiful. "Watch this", Sawyer walked over to a bird perched on a branch. he picked it up. It was moving just like us. In fear it intended to fly away. But then when it detached its feathers from his skin. It moved as slow as a the rotation of earth.
Of course not everything in the world slows down when we move. Only things in a 100 feet radius.
A twig snapped in the distance. We both looked north and began to run not walk run. When we run nothing is slow around us. Theres only blur around us. Sawyer breathed in deeply. "STOP" he yelled. I dug my heels of my boots into the dirt. Then we came to a halt.
A soft demonic laughter could be heard. "Knoots" he said. "What" i said. He looked worried "Knoots are wild vampire eaters". The laughing continude. I shadow lept behind Him. I stepped back and hissed. "Ill be back,fight her off" and then he jumped into the air. The knoot looked at me. I tried to jump but it grabbed my foot and pulled me down.
I fell to the ground but quikly picked myself up. The knoots looked at me. I ran towerds it and slid under its legs. I grabbed its arms from behind and slung the creature into the tree behind me. It dissaperd into the ground and turned into a shadow. "COME OUT AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!". I felt a heavy thump behind me. I turned around and it went to grab my neck.
I grabbed its hands and twisted both. While sliding under its legs I tripped it I quikly backed up but it din't attack it started to change into a women. And in a secound she had my back up against a tree and her hand around my throught. "Im a lady" I laughed "And im a women". I bit her neck and brought my foot up and kicked her in stomach. She landed on the ground.
Saywer came out of the wood with two Massive wolves following him. I grabbed the knoot by the hair and threw her towerd the wolves. "Take her away" he said lighting a cigarete. The beasts snarled and growled. The bigger black wolf picked her up in his moulth and ran off.
The other one looked at me and growled and then to Saywer.
Sawyer hissed and whimpred and ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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