On The Run

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On The Run
                   Tw: blood and swearing
Italics mean thoughts
Bold is me and other things
                           Ravens POV
(Rio is her bird)
Rio wakes me up. My personal alarm clock. "Good morning Rio" I say as I sit up, looking into my bag that was next to my head and look at the last of my supplies. Mainly only caned food and bird seed and ofc my gun. probably enough to last until the end of the week but you can never plan ahead in this day and age. I look over the edge of the apartment building time to grab supplies sigh.(Eww sighing get away dw I won't make her sigh a lot)

I grab my foldable ladder out my bag and walk to the edge, placing it down I spot zombies to the side they probably won't notice me I climb down and make my way over to the supermarket to grab some more caned food and bird food, Rio lands on my shoulders and nibbles my ear a bit. "Come on really Rio"
(I've have had birds and some of them did this but more like they were giving me a pieceing😭😭)

I see zombie in the corner of my eye please don't notice me and they spot me really come on I pull out my gun out my bag and shoot one in the head making a loud bang noise as there blood and brains splatters over the zombie next to them and over my clothes MY WHITE HOODIE COME ON MAN and the loud gun shot attracts more zombies over to the street I'm on "oh great just my luck today" I say to no one, I look at the zombies some were missing there limbs as the bone covered in dried up blood and the other were dragging the feet to the point the blood showed leaving a blood trail In the concrete. Gross

I sprint over to the supermarket skipping passed it as the zombies had evolved to be faster just what I needed today I see a survivor of the outbreak ugh people ,wait the wall bubble.co and hide realising how close I am to bubble.co the zombie swarm this boy after I led them here I feel some what bad but this is a game of survival until I hear him scream "help" I roll my eyes how stupid do u have to be to not know how to kill a fucking zombie and manoeuvre around the zombies and grab his hand and drag him away from the hoard.

"This way"

"Wait what"

"You said help right" I say look back at the hoard chasing us there really close "this way" turning a corner dragging him along. We run for a few minutes I stop trying to catch my breath. What a workout and I didn't even get more food nore did I eat breakfast

"Who the fuck are you"

I stare in disbelief at him I just saved your fucking ass and the first thing you say is that

"What ever pinky pie"

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