Chapter 1

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I am already late for school. What first impression am I going to make? I leave my apartment as fast as I can, feeling like I am forgetting something, but I don't have time to remember. I have to run to my school. It feels good for the first time to live nearby school, but it's not that near. I haven't run like this for years because of my weak legs. I can't train anymore. Well, at this moment, it's bothering me so much, but at the same time, I hate training my body at all. I'm just lazy.

With the door of my new classroom opening, all eyes are on me. Good, I don't know anyone. For now. I am standing there and decide after a decade to go and take a seat, and I take the seat next to a girl. She has really cool dark hair, with some dyed curls at the end of it. She looks at me with her dark eyes, or at first they are dark. When I look more into her, I see they are actually nothing like dark, but hazel green with just more brown in them.

"Hey!" - she says in a calm voice, but at the same time, there is something energetic in it. "So you will sit next to me the whole year! We are going to become besties, I know it." She is actually really nice to me. I didn't expect it though.

"Yes, I guess we probably will become after all. I like your hair." - I say without hesitation. I have to talk with someone even if I don't want to now. I'm not one of the social people around.

"Oh, thanks a lot, but I was thinking of changing the color or going fully black. I like your blonde hair. Is it dyed or...?" - she touches my hair, and I look at my hair and after that at her - "No, it's not. I'm just..." - I try to make conversation with her, but the teacher approaches us.

"You are late to my class, and now you are speaking during my lesson? Do you want detention or what?" - the teacher doesn't seem nice as I walked in minutes ago, but I try not to judge a book by its cover, and here we are. Well, she is right in this position.

"Sorry" - I apologize to her. She turns around and starts her lesson. "She is just mad like always. She has been in my previous school, I know her" - says the girl next to me - "What is your name, blondie? I didn't ask earlier." I make eye contact with her, and after that, I look again at the teacher, who is now writing something on the whiteboard. Are we really going to study on our first day?

I get out of my mind and respond to the girl that I forgot to answer. "My name is hard for your language, but you can call me Chris. What is yours?" - I ask her back so I can at least call her by her name. Yes, my name is hard to tell because I am Bulgarian, and the language sounds more like Russian. "My name is Valarie, but you can call me Val" - I can hear her talking, but I don't give her that much attention. My attention is at the boy sitting close to me. He has black hair and dark eyes. I can clearly see they are dark this time, not like with the girl, I mean Valarie. He has a little tan and dark energy I am feeling from him. I start studying him up and down and look around to see my other classmates. All of them are unrecognizable except some boys that were at my previous school. I am in 9th grade now. In high school. As I look around, I see I am the only one with blonde hair. Well, nice starting of the year. Late for my first lesson, talking, and the teacher catching us, and being the only blonde. There would probably be jokes on me being blonde like in my last school, so I want to prove them I can be smarter than all of them, but it's going to be pretty hard. There is a girl that already knows everything even if the year just started, and this is our first lesson.

After school, I talk with Valerie and meet some more people. I meet Fiona and Clarissa. The boy that I am interested in I still know his name. He left as fast as he can after we finish class, and I didn't have time to ask him just for his name. Nothing more. Probably we are going to form a good friendship with the others. I have a good feeling about them. I don't know how, but I can feel the energy and the vibe the people give me. Sometimes I dream about something, and it happens, but I never get to know what is going to happen and what not. My dreams are not clear most of the time. I guess I have some kind of power or something. I smile at this thought while the others are talking about something in school. This year is going to be my year, and if not, I am going to make it.

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