Chapter 4

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    It is already time. Everyone is here except him, like I expected. He made me look like a fool, of course. Actually, everyone is here, because they want to see if he would show up. "I am feeling so dumb right now," I say to Fiona and Val. "Why did you even make me talk to him? You know he is a rude asshole." "Yeah, I know he is, and I am here with you to prove it to you." "Why do you even want to prove it to me?" I look mad at her. She leans closer to me and whispers in my ear, "Because I know you like him. I need to show you what he is made of. You should give up. You deserve better." She looks at me really worried and sad. I did not like him. I also know he is a rude asshole! Why did I actually believe in all of this... Maybe she was right after all, but how could she know that I like him? Even a little bit? Probably because I was nervous talking to him. Did she know this from the beginning? So many questions.
   We all have a walk in the park for a little, and everyone tells us they have work and leave after some time, leaving me, Fiona, and Val, just us three. After not a long time, Fiona leaves too. We sit on a bench with Val. "How did you know and since when?" "I have known for a long time. You think I don't see you how you stare at him sometimes? Look, someone else would probably not notice, but I am another type of person. I have known this for like two weeks already. I won't tell anyone. I actually came up with this idea to show you how bad he actually is, and I am sorry at the same time for breaking your heart—" "Val, look," I cut her off, "you don't need to apologize, but don't make me look stupid. Share your plans with me and what you are thinking of doing something behind my back without me knowing next time. I appreciate you want to help, but this is no big help. I also have to go. It's getting late." I stand up and walk away, knowing I may hurt her now, but it doesn't matter. I just wanted to get away. Probably I would apologize to her next Monday at school, but now I was mad at her pretty much.

As I walk down the street, someone pulls me into a little dark alley and pins me to the wall aggressively. "What the fuck!" I try to scream, just opening my eyes and I see Matteo. "Fuck you, Matteo! I thought you were some creep!" I try to continue to speak as he places his hand on my mouth, making me shut up and try to push him away. "Listen, Chris, you are not a girl who wants to deal with me, so close your mouth and never approach me again, is that clear?" "Not approach him? What is this guy's problem?" "You are the one approaching me now, as I can see," my voice is furiously mad. "I know your friend made you do it, but don't do it anymore. I want to know, is this clear to your little mind? If you are smart, you will stay away from me." "Let's guess I am not smart enough. What is going to happen?" I look up to him because of his size to see his eyes. He gives me a little smile and leans closer, and I try to push him away, but his strength is too powerful for me. Okay, maybe I should start training after all. Probably, it would make a difference. "You will lose everything if you aren't smart enough." "Do you threaten me?" I ask really fast. "I am warning you, blondie, stay away." He uses the wall to push away from me and disappears into the darkness of the alley. It felt like clear rejection to me.

Souls of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora