If It's That Easy

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Sherlock and Emma had been happy together, but things changed at the Hogwarts Gala. Sherlock met another woman, and Emma found herself drawn to another man. Their relationship fell apart as they both pursued new relationships outside of their family unit. The Abbott household was no longer a place of warmth and love—it had become a battleground for their broken hearts.

"And Hannah?" Emma asked Sherlock when they sat in the living room. A divorce paper on the table between them. "Where would she go? Who would have custody?"

Sherlock looked at Emma, his expression pained.

"I don't know," he admitted softly. "But we need to figure it out for Hannah's sake." They both knew that their divorce would be hard on their daughter, but they also realized that the best thing they could do was to work together to find a solution that would benefit her most.

"What happened between us?" Emma laughed in frustration. "Is that woman better than me? Is that man better than you? Why are we being so ridiculous after a moment of a Gala?"

"I don't know," Sherlock sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Maybe we just weren't meant to be together anymore."

Emma nodded sadly as she took a sip of her drink, trying to process everything that had happened between them in the past few weeks.

"We made a vow," Emma said, "and we broke it."

"I know," he said quietly. "And I'm sorry for what I did." Sherlock looked down at his hands, guilt etched on his face.

Emma nodded, her eyes filled with tears as she tried to come to terms with the fact that their marriage was over. They both knew that they had let each other down and it would take time to heal from this painful experience.

"But, Sherlock, is there no chance at all?" Emma asked, "For you to love me again? For me to love you again? For us to love our family again?"

"I don't know." Sherlock looked at Emma, his eyes filled with sadness. "But I do love you and our family. We just need time to heal." They both knew that their divorce would be difficult for everyone involved, but they were determined to make the best decision for Hannah and themselves in the long run.

"Sherlock ...." Emma cried and rushed to Sherlock, sat on his lap. "Oh, Sherlock ...." She cried out loud and hugged him.

Sherlock wrapped his arms around Emma, holding her close as she cried.

"I know it hurts," he whispered softly. "But we'll get through this together." They stayed like that for a few moments, just holding each other and trying to find comfort in one another amidst the pain of their broken marriage.

"Will you leave the other woman for us? Because I am willing to leave the other man for us," Emma said. "I want us to apologize to each other, and forgive each other."

"I will leave the other woman for us," Sherlock said firmly. He looked at Emma, his eyes filled with determination. "And I want to apologize and forgive you too." They both knew that they had made mistakes in their relationship, but they were willing to work together to make things right again - not just for themselves but also for Hannah who deserved a happy and stable home life.

"Sherlock, I'm sorry ...." Emma cried in his arms.

"I'm sorry too." Sherlock held Emma tightly, his own eyes filling with tears."We both made mistakes, but we can fix this together." They stayed like that for a while longer, comforting each other and taking the first steps towards reconciliation.

Emma kissed Sherlock's lips and kept sobbing. Sherlock kissed Emma back, his heart heavy with emotion. He held her close and whispered soothing words as they both cried together, finally letting go of the pain and regret that had consumed them for so long.

After the hug and the kiss, they burned the divorce paper. They watched as the divorce paper burned in the fireplace, a symbol of their commitment to each other. They both knew that it wouldn't be easy to rebuild their marriage, but they were determined to make things right again for Hannah and themselves.

"I'm still loving you," Emma whispered, traces of tears on her face.

"And I'm still loving you too." Sherlock looked at Emma, his eyes filled with love and determination.

They both knew that their road ahead would be challenging but they were willing to work together to rebuild the trust and intimacy that had been lost between them over the past few months.


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