Tommy's back

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Tom did not know which was worse. The fact that he still had feelings for Jessica, or that he had feelings for her in the middle of his divorce battle.

He never understood how he ever fell In love with Carla. She was a snake alright, wrapped in layers and layers of nice perfume. It took him five years to realise that getting married to Carla was the worst decision he had ever made, and now she wanted to keep his daughter, lexi, away from him.

It was gonna take more than some lawyer in a 200 dollar suit and fake perfume to take lexi away from him.

Lexi was the best thing that came out their marriage, and knowing Carla, she probably didn't care who got lexi, all she wanted was for him to pay for deciding to have a divorce, and he wasn't going to let her have his child. No way in hell.

He just decided to come to the club and relax after a stressful day at work. He knew as a doctor, he was on call twenty four hours a day, and should not be drinking, but, he was just so angry after what he had heard in the court. The judge told him to present a woman with maternal instinct who could take care of lexi, or else Carla was getting her and he wasn't going to let that happen.

But where the hell was he supposed to find someone like that and it was not as though he could just hire a nanny. He was just about to leave the bar when he saw jessica. He knew ten years had past since he last saw her, but she still caused a spark in him whenever he saw her on TV.

He also saw carrie. She looked good, especially since she had added some weight. Back in high school, he had thought she was anorexic, mostly because she was too skinny. A thought popped Into his head and he sincerely hoped Jessica would be able to forgive him when he was done, but he just couldn't let Carla gain custody of the most important thing in his life.

Walking up to her, he suddenly felt like the foolish lanky boy he was in high school. But he was different now. He was a thirty two year old man, who had grown up to be the attraction of many women, old and young, frankly, he enjoyed the attention.

Up Close, she was more beautiful than he had ever thought.
Their reunion was actually better than he thought it would. They talked as though they never got separated. Funny, he enjoyed the way jessica was ogling him. Not what she expected, he thought.

"So, Jessica, I see you have succeeded in the business industry. You've really made a name for yourself". She blushed a little,"Its not really a big deal, just sheer luck, I guess. No need to flatter me. Wow, this night just got more interesting. Jessica, who thought he was a worm was blushing at a compliment. Nice.

Jessica did not know what was worse blushing at a compliment, or blushing at a casual compliment from the guy she thought was a worm. To convince herself, she told herself she was just trying to butter him up so he wouldn't react so madly to her proposal. "Tommy, what do you do?" Carrie asked.

"Actually, it's just tom, and I am a doctor, In the army. We just came back from Africa. "Oh, you had a mission there?" Jessica asked. "I would love to tell you but, it's classified information". "So when do you get back?" Jessica asked.

"I'm done with the army, just trying to fix roots and take care of lexi. It ended there, and they just talked about different issues and he caught the latest on their mates.

He found out that Stella McCartney, head cheerleader was on the search for husband number six. And that Leo thasser, valedictorian had died in a burning building shortly after finishing college.

No friggin' way! Jessi thought to herself. He was married!! Married for goodness sakes. Even tommy drooler got married before she did.No, she was a twenty nine year old woman. She shouldn't whine about something as trivial as that. Was there a sticker on her head that said 'no men' that she didn't know about? She needed to get home, fall on her bed and cry her rich eyes out. There was no way she was going to miss Ella's wedding. All she had to do was find a date. Easy peasy.
Yeah right.

"Right, jess?" Carrie said. "What,huh?" Jess said, coming back to the club from her world of worries."i said," Carrie said, emphasized on the 'I said', "you're working on a project with the head of Hampton hospital, and he is a close friend of ours. We can set up an interview with him so you get a chance of working there. Right jess?"
"Um, yeah I can help you do that. Um Carrie, I think we should get going, its getting late". "No, I don't think we should", Carrie looked at me and winked. I knew what that meant but, I wasn't In the mood for reunion talk. "I think I should get going ,Lexi would be waiting for me, and she doesn't like waiting. But before I go, Jessica, can I have your number?".

Wasn't he a married man? Jessi thought to herself. Why did he want her number?? As if reading her mind, he said,"don't take it the wrong way. Its for the interview you promised me. I'm gonna need to be able to reach you, you know?" "Oh yeah, sure" feeling like a total moron, she gave him her number and they said their good nights.

The ride home was not comfortable as Carrie kept on hammering on the fact that she looked very distracted and she had to save the conversation by bringing up irrelevant topics. Like who really cares if Stella McCartney was out on a search for husband number six?. Jessi drowned her out and just focused on the long ride home. It was going to be one hell of a ride.

Wow, chapter two over and I hope you all liked it...look forward to chapter three and don't forget to vote and comment

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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