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you would think the streets of Japan were that safe like in Korean or maybe even China

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you would think the streets of Japan were that safe like in Korean or maybe even China

but to ningning, Japan didn't feel safe at all

she was constantly on edge and felt like she was being watched twenty-four seven

her question, who the fuck was watching her?

of course it wasn't always like this as she had only been living in Japan for four years but recently.

like nine months ago she just got the chilling feeling she was being watched and it hasn't gone away

even when she was in the safety of her own house

so she thought...

but she still felt the pair on eyes on her constantly

and that lead to restless nights and tired morning

but one day it stopped.

the pair of eyes along with the noise of the street of Japan

she looked out her window

no one there she even exited her house and didn't see a single person

so now ningning questions was

where the fuck did everyone go?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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