They ask you out

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Would just shove flowers in you face with a noye confessing her feelings before running away.

"Be my partner mortal or i'll cause havic across all of earth!" you told him he didn't have to do all that and that you like him back,

Would set up the most romantic date ever and ask you out there (obv in front of mole)

Wrote a note that he was gonna slide in you locker but Cartman came up and shared it in front of everyone. You ended up beating Cartman again but telling Pip you share the same feelings

Go to a coffee shop and ask you out there, which you said yes (the goth kids over heard and were pretty shocked)

Ze Mole
Took you back to the hole you fell in and kissed you before addmiting his feelings (he defo screamed when he first realized that he liked you)

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