Ch. 13 - Embarking to Ferronia

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As I awaken, the lingering weight of exhaustion from the previous night still weighs heavily upon me. 

** Flashback on**

Returning to the Ostra, we convened a meeting to delve into the intricacies of the plan Theron had shared with my father. I couldn't help but feel a surge of shock as the details unfolded before me.

To my dismay, much of the plan appeared perilous, bordering on suicidal. We would undoubtedly find ourselves outnumbered and outmatched on every front. The sheer desperation these people must be facing to come up with such a plan struck me and made me realize the real circumstances in this system.

In stark contrast, my father's reaction surprised me. He seemed genuinely impressed, viewing the plan as not only feasible but meticulously crafted to mitigate our disadvantages and exploit the vulnerabilities of our adversaries. His unwavering confidence in its potential success offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty.

Illu's reaction was somewhat unfazed. He appeared almost bored with the whole situation. We haven't been together for long but I can tell that his behavior comes from an unwavering confidence he has in his abilities. My mom, on the other hand, was visibly tense her worry etched across her features as she contemplated the dangers that lay ahead.

"Mom, dad are we sure about this plan?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Dad's expression was grave as he turned to me. "Ame, you know this isn't our fight. We're here to keep you safe above all else. If things get too dangerous, we need to get out of there. Your safety comes first, no matter what."

Mom nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with concern. "Your dad's right, sweetheart. We can't afford to take unnecessary risks. If there's any sign of danger, we have to prioritize getting you to safety."

Just then, Bo stepped forward, a small device in his hand catching the light. "Ame, I have something that might help us" he said, his tone serious.

I glanced at the device curiously, a spark of hope igniting within me. "What is it, dad?"

Bo held up the device for us to see. It was sleek and compact, with a series of intricate buttons and a small screen displaying various symbols. "This is a portable translocator, although it is just a prototype it works fine, i've tested myself a few times" he explained. "It's a device made by Azulrian scientists for situations like this. It can instantly transport us back to the safety of the Ostra if we're in danger."

My eyes widened in amazement as I examined the device. "How does it work?"

He smiled, a hint of pride in his expression. "It's based on advanced teleportation technology. When activated, it scans our biometric signatures and creates a quantum entanglement field around us. Then, using a series of quantum algorithms, it calculates the exact coordinates of the Ostra and transports us there instantaneously."

I nodded, impressed by the device's capabilities. "That's incredible. How far can it teleport us?"

Bo's smile widened. "This particular model has an extended range. It can transport us to neighboring planets within a radius of several hundred million kilometers. 

"Unfortunately, quantum entanglement fields are easily disrupted by gamma rays so this device can't be widely used in the universe. The good thing is that according to my calculations Ferronia shouldn't have enough interference to stops us from teleporting." He completed.

**Flashback off**

I stretched, rising from my bed with a yawn. Making my way to the feet-shaped neon marks on the floor, I requested my customary green attire. Afterward, I headed to the bathroom to complete my morning hygiene routine. With each task completed, I felt a sense of refreshment wash over me, leaving me revitalized and prepared to embrace the day ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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