Freedom Pals

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In the Freedom Pals HQ, the boys had all met up just a bit after school, since Tweek and Craig had made it clear they were going to make sure you made it home safely, before even considering going over. 

When Tweek and Craig had made it to Tolkien's place to hold the meeting in the Freedom Pals HQ, they were greeted by the rest of the team who were waiting on them to arrive in order to start the meeting. The rest of the superheroes were seated in their respective chairs, as they hesitated, and waited for someone to break the silence. 

"Well, why the fuck are we here?" The Coon broke the silence between the rest of the boys, looking between everyone before rolling his eyes. "If we're here to do a circle jerk that's fine, but count me the fuck out!" 

"I will actually knock your goddamn teeth out of your skull." Super Craig sent a death glare at the Coon. This was not the time to have these sort of comments. You were Tweek's cousin, and you both had an inseparable sibling-like bond. He wouldn't trade it for the world, and the thought of you getting harmed was tearing him on the inside. 

"I guess I will start the meeting." Mysterion stood up from his chair, wanting to get everyone's attention. "I was out patrolling last night." He started off. "But, a scream had lead me in the direction of where I needed to be. One of the cheerleaders was assaulted. I don't know how far it went, and I'm not sure if I want to know. But, his hand was up her skirt and he was on her when I made it to the scene." 

"Not just any cheerleader, Mysterion stop tiptoeing around it" Mosquito gritted his teeth together. "Her face shows everything, you can't hide that shit! What the fuck kind of man does this. Can you even call him a 'man'?" Mosquito was visibly getting irritated just at the thought of this. He remembered clearly just how sad your demeanor was today, just how you carried yourself much differently. Your tears that stained his shirt. He reached a hand out in front of him, just recalling how he had rubbed the back of your head softly and patted your back. It broke his heart. 

"Maybe out of respect, don't mention the goddamn injuries." Toolshed glared at Mosquito. He noticed how you tried to hide your face more today, but obviously not all angles were able to be hidden.

Kyle tried to figure out who they were talking about. It couldn't have been you, right? No, he didn't want to believe that something awful would happen to such a perfect girl like you. It was just hard to comprehend, but the fact that Craig and Tweek were so protective over you much more today, just made more sense. His heart dropped, and he recalled how much you hid your face today. The other girls, he maybe didn't see all the other cheerleaders, but is this why you allowed Clyde and Kenny so close to you today? Especially if Mysterion was the one to save you last night... Of course he'd try to make you feel better today. 

"Why the fuck did you let her walk alone last night?" Super Craig glared daggers at Human Kite now. He knew that you were at Kyle's house. You told him and Tweek that you'd be getting tutored by him, but the two allowed you over there since Kyle was at least the most level-headed and most trustworthy of the group. 

"W-wait, a second." Human Kite's eyes went wide as he looked over at Super Craig. "I didn't know she got hurt, I didn't want her to walk home!" Human Kite tried to defend himself, but knew that there's no way in hell he could defend himself against these dudes. "I tried to take her home, sh-she just ran out though." 

"You c-couldn't have just chased after? GAH-!" Wonder Tweek twitched and growled as he trusted his cousin with Kyle. "W-we don't want her hanging o-out with you ACK-! Your fucking group! B-but we trusted YOU out of everyone H-HAH!"

"...I..." Human Kite averted his gaze, feeling his heart sink so low into his chest. "Oh my god..." He buried his face in his hands, not believing that this was happening. His fears were true, it was you who had gotten hurt. Not only that, but even possibly taken advantage of? 

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