Another battle insues

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(April goes up to her brothers rooms)
April:Jack billy I need both you
Jack:oh you want me to freeze someone
Billy:I can change into what ever animal you want me to
April:remember past summer how I got these powers there was this sorcerer who was just a little bit more powerful than me
Jack;yeah of course
April:well he's back but he has help and I think the only reason he lost against me is because he was more experienced I need your guys help just don't show your powers right away
(They go outside)
April:on billy you have to show your power at first only a little bit turn into a cheetah and have Jack get on your back then go to the beam you see in the distance I'm taking to the skies
(April blasts off with her wind power and billy turns into a cheetah and jack gets on and runs in the direction of the beam)

(April is the first to arrive)
Aaron:ah so you came alone
April:ha you wish
Stephanie:go away coward
April:so do you really think I fled because I was scared wow your even dumber than I remember
(A portal opens up and flare Luna and crystal land next to April)
Aaron:old friends how dare you betray me
Crystal:we can betray you when you used us like pons just like you're doing with these people this time
Aaron:I'm just them the power they so dearly lost last year
(Billy drops off jack I. His cheetah form then disappears behind a tree
Aaron:get lost little boy this is going to get ugly
April:ok so I'm going to check on Nate than head back crystal and flare your against Daisy
Crystal:got it
Flare:let's do this
April:Luna your against Stephanie
Luna:I got my moon sword ready for any attack
April:Jack you go for Arron he has absolutely nothing he can do
(Billy shows up in human form)
April:Billy go up against Jerry you can take umm on pretty handily
(April whispers an animal to Billy)
Billy:got it I need to concentrate

(April blasts off again)

(Dasiy goes to blast crystal)
(Flare grabs Crystal than teleports her behind Dasiy and she throws a star at one leg)
Dasiy:stupid brat
Crystal:you are weak compared to me
(Crystal throws another star at her other leg and she falls)
Dasiy:ok time for worldwide blast
Crystal:crystallized blast
(The area goes white)

(Luna keeps knocking the spear out of Stephanie's hand but she keeps getting it back in her hand)
Luna:this ridiculous
Stephanie:you are so timid and weak
Luna:I have an idea
Stephanie: It will not work I will win over Nate

Jerry:hello little man I am ready to tower over you even more
(Jerry turns into his rock form and now is much taller than Billy)
Jerry:hah beat this
(Billy all of sudden transforms into a rhino and also lions slightly above Jerry)
Jerry:ok so you did technically beat my in height but not in the battle raging ahead

Aaron:ok so I'll throw a star than I'll know his power
(Arron throws a star)
(Jack breaks it with his ice hands)
Arron:ok Jack turns into a mini Jack Frost I'll just take him out with my moon sword

(April arrives and goes up the ladder)
Nate:oh April I'm so glad you're safe
(They hug briefly)
April:I came here a replacement actually
Nate:well I can't leave I need to save Sophie
April:i can actually do something with my powers
Eric:I'm all good now
April:Nate fly on top of Eric and defeat Aaron right now he against my brother jack and I'm not sure how long he can fair against him
Nate:fine I'll do this to help Jack but please get Sophie kicking again I can't lose her
(Eric flies Nate our)

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