Prologue: Origin of Avia

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Light and Dark, This two elements warp and woof of all of willing living

In continent of Avia, in Far Far times, three willing species lives.

Fairies: a creatures with very little size but a very high knowledge, they was a calm and harmless creatures that they sprite naturally attract to light sprites.

Monsters: a great family that contains of multiple willing creatures that have very high wild and violent temper that they sprite naturally attract to dark sprites.

And in the end Humans: creatures that not have strength of monsters nor knowledge of faries, but this was a sense of Searching and learning that make different to other species, they have a balance nature and were not dependent to light nor dark sprites.

In their early life, there was no enmity between those three and the live in peace separate together.

Fairies live in a small city in a frozen and magical forest of "Sard-Sabz"[1] located in south of avia.

Monsters which turns into different species lives separate in a big desert island of "Kaviervash"[2] that surrounded with darks and black forests around it, they lives separate but with specific unity with each other, Ghouls and Divs[3] lives in a Tribal villages, Divmars that is some kind of dragons in caves of "GhamDiv"[4]
mountains lives and ...

Humans that was more lucky then other species lives on a fertile lands and lot of bioms like green plains, rainy jungles, tropical forests or even savanna as separate villages, without unity lives together.

Life between them was very calm, till monsters because of high population and low food, decide to invade lands of humans that have fruitful and fertile lands and humans try to defend the home and family.

After a hundred and fifty years consecutive battle that was benefit to monsters because of they physical strength and unity and it loss to humans, Just when the both two moons eclipsed. Two son of human born in same village but in two separate home and family.

One of them name was "Aerik" and the other was "Siahrooy", they was like a brother to each other in they childhood to youth, aerik was a Strong willed man, charismatic and inspiring, prideful and weak to managing his emotions. He also so strong in fighting skill that the people of his village know his as a most powerful warrior of they village.

While siahrooy was so friendly, charismatic, and too sympathetic and weak on physical strength. But he because Study a lot about spiritual topic, he was very respectable for people and know them as a village wise.

These two together defend the village whenever monster attack the village. but even they know that the power of humans was not enough for army of monsters.

Thus they decided to at least get strong in equipment and weapon and upgrade they armor. But it was need to gain lot of knowledge, both of them knowed that the best people for this work was fairies, because of that they decided to go on sardsabz forest for seeking help of fairies and share the science and knowledge of fairies to them. They got to the fairies city and talk to fairies king. After lots of conversation the decided to teach aerik and siahrooy they fighting knowledge, in the condition that if monsters attack them humans help them.

A month past and aerik and siahrooy learn lot of thing from fairies.

Aerik with melting some specific stone and dirt on Furnace made a bronze that was way harder and stronger than the stone and wooden weapons that humans use. He made a bronze sword with that bronze that the blade was around his arms hight.

Also siahrooy that had a specific intelligence on Spiritual field learn Magic from fairies.

After that, they both return to they village, They shared they knowledge and Science to the village youths and after that monsters because they fail a lot on raiding the village, they never think of attacking on that Village
Aerik and siahrooy decided to go on other villages and shared they science and knowledge to other humans to they can protect themselves too.

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