Chapter 1: Before it began

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“It’s been thousand years from that event…”
This from it, I think its enough for now, it’s good to go out for a hour at least, I
don’t want my family think that I’m isolated more than that.
After I change my cloth, grabbed my phone and handsfree and get out from home.
Let me see to listen to which playlist before I start to walk, I listen to this famous
Persian Rapper[1], his musics have a deep and dark meaning that I really like it.
I play the playlist and listen to rap musics while I start to walking.
I'm a bit worry, it's been a while that I hear and see weird dreams and voices.
The dreams and voices is not scary, its more comforting, I dream about iam
floating in a wide ocean, a ocean that its nothing except water, I was trying to hold
myself fixed in a place with swimming while I have no problem on breathing.
Something strange about it is that the voice it is so low and not that clear, but I can
notice that voice, it’s a woman’s lullaby.
I searched about it on internet to see what is the reason but I don’t find it reason
anywhere, it been a nine month that I heard that voice, I told my situation for
Psychiatrist and even he didn’t know what is the reason, I got even to the doctor
and she take an MRI scan on me, but there is nothing in my brain, not cancerous
gland nor brain tumor.
Am I finally got insane? I don't know, but I try to use to the dream and voice.
Honestly that low and not clear lullaby get relaxing for me after few times.
But it’s no time for being worried about this kind of things, now it’s time to more
think about my novel’s worldbuilding; ok then, let take a look at the world.
Adventure world have an only one GOD named “Izax” and izax create four angel
base on four element of nature of fire, water, earth and wind and order them to first
create a solar system that made possible for live on one of it planet that has two
moon. After that planet created izax create Life Force, a force that made living
creature to live and if this force gets empty on the body, the would die. After a long
time izax decide to make a different species, with this difference that they had its
own will and be smarter than other creatures that lives on that planet. Because of
that izax made a two spiritual element, dark and light spirit and izax create three
willing creature Monsters, Humans and Fairies on central continent that after some
time it known as Avia.
And the Prologue story start at here.
I feel it’s enough for now but I must focus on Avia’s culture more, actually it
culture is so close to Iranian culture, but well the language and some of Events are
different, for example people known the first day of spring a new year and
celebrate, but they don’t call it “Sizdah-Be-Dar” [2] the thirteenth’s day of new year
but they know it as a “Roz-E-Shokrane” [3] and on that day they go on nature and
thank to the gods they have.
Humans still don’t know that they world is created by izax, but the believe in
existence of four angel and they know as they own gods.
But seriously I really want that I was born in this kind of world, in my opinion it so
cool and interesting for me to live in a fantasy world and in a country that it's so
close to Ancient iran.
Think about it, for example you train from children to teenage and after that
become an adventure, doing adventure in this and that land in a long time like
around a twenty, meet a cool adventures and if you’re lucky enough you meet your
dream girl and after you retire yourself from being an adventure marry with her
and made a beautiful life.
Or even you’re that lucky to born as a high royal race and train from childhood to
let you join they special army on that country.
Iam so excited when I thinking about it.
Wait, where this horn sound from?
I taked off my handsfree and look around, suddenly a truck rush toward me with
full speed.
I shout while running with close eyes, but iam not that fast. Truck hit me and my
body crushed beneath it wheels, I stick in an asphalt like a carpet, its more horrifict hat I was still alive and I was taking my final breaths.
No, I can’t believe it, I’m died this easily?
What’s next? What happen after my death? Darkness and nothingness? Or after
they judged base on my actions I go to heaven or hell? Wait, do I do something
that have a right to go to heaven? Till I was around age of sixteen I do nothing but
eating and sleeping, I tried to help other whenever I can but I don’t think it was
I was so scared, while my smashed and half life body breath fast by fear I was
thinking that what gonna happen to me after I died.
Till when I feel soft hands are pat my head, after the hand patted my head, I take a
sigh of relief and can move my body better.
Wait, isn’t I crushed by heavy truck and my body it become like a skin of hunted
animal that used as a carpet? Why I can move my body freely and breath easily?
I move my body to a person was who patted my head and got surprised by her
familiar face.
A young woman with green eyes and long light-brown hair that was smiled on me,
she put one of her hand beneath my head and other down to my waist and she
moved myself gently toward her, her face was so close to my favorite video game
character that I was loved [4]
While she made a heart-warming smile start to talk with her beautiful and comfort
familiar voice: [Don’t worry, you are now free from all of your pains.]
I ask her with confusion: [free?]
I look at where I was splashed on ground and i shocked.
My, my body was terrible, my body was like a hunted bear that separate his skin
from it body and use is as a carpet, all of my body except my head was crushed, I
turned away my face from my dead faced that looked at me with terror.
I got a lump in one's throat, I really died? While I have a lumb in onc’s throat
looked at woman ask: [Iam, dead now?]
Woman nod with a sad look and said: [I'm really sorry, I know it might be really
hard for you, but don't be scared, it’s not the end of your story] she smiled to me
when said the last few words.
Not the end of my story? Wait, where the woman’s scream come from?
I look my surroundings, everything stopped, truck driver opened the truck door and
get out of the truck with terror is stopped between earth and sky on it position. The
birds stopped in them place while they flying in sky.
Woman notice my terror and asked: [Did you hear it? Are you hear the screams of
you new mother?]
I look at her with amaze look: [my new mother? Wait, where did you know what I
hear? Are you hearing that voice too?]
She smiles at me and said: [I’am sorry, I’m not hear that voice but I’m aware that
you hear a woman’s scream, that scream, is the scream of your new mother that
scream from your birth’s pain]
New mother? My birth’s pain? What is the story? My death is not the end of
I was so confused and don’t know what is going on, this have only on mean, so I
ask her: [it mean, it is possible that i…]
Before I complete my sentence, she said with smile: [yes, you reincarnate and
reborn again, I know you will be so happy when you find out which world you will
live, you will fly of happiness]
What? Reincarnation? Especially in world that i gonna fly of happiness?
The last words made me so happy.
But what world? Middle Earth [5]? Tamriel [6]? Or maybe Six Faced World [7]?
Please tell me that I gonna go on Shahnameh’s [8] world.
I ask her with smile: [in which wor…]
Suddenly the scream get volume gets higher and I hold my head tightly with my
hand from the headache.
Woman notice my headache, she places her index finger on my lips and said:
[huuuush, will notice it yourself] after that she put her hands on my eyes and close
After my eyes closed, feel like I’am not on my current body, its feel like in a tight, dark and sticky place and pulled out slowly from there.
After a five minute i got out from there, but because of heavy pressure I had on my
eyes my vision gets blurry when I open them, after a several time of blinking my
vision got back to normal state.
After my eyes return it vision, saw a face of young woman who look at me with
tired but happy look, she smiled at me and embrace me.
But wait,why I can feel her soft and warm arms around my whole body?
Looked at myself and got shocked by the thing I saw.
I… I turned into a baby… a frail and weak baby boy. This means, I really
reincarnated into another world? But in which world?
I observing my surrounding to notice at least I when and where I born. I in a small
square like room, with brown wooden floor, cobblestone wall that in one side there
was a wooden door and a small window with a outside view on the other side,
there was a big bucket of warm water close to me. When I was on arms of that
woman, saw that there was other two woman sat beside her in four knees.
A old woman around seventy five/ eighty years old with round wrinkle face, brown
eyes and white hairs that was under a scarf on her head, she was wear a traditional
village dress and look at me with comforting smile.
ven years old with a slightly elongated face, sharp chin and a serious but also
friendly look, Her eyes were drawn and dark with long and dark hair. She unlike
the oldwoman don't wear a village dress but wear a leather scale mail armor. Looks
like she is a warrior.
Oldwoman: [XXXX …. XXXX ….XXX …XXXX]
Warrior woman: [XXX ….XXXX ….XXXX ….XXXXXXXXX ……XXXX ..]
What? What language they were talking about?
Woman that embrace me: [XXXX…. XXX… XXXX… XXX…]
She me after talk with a language that I was don’t know about it look at me.
She is a woman around twenty/ twenty three years old with elongated face and
kind face, a dark round eyes that made me a comfort an long dark curly hair, she wear a white dress.
She look at me again and talk with that unknown language, she pull her dress’s
collar down and start to breastfeeding me.
There was no doubt, she is my mother, the same mother that strange and kind
woman talk about. here I mean “Ali Sorena” one of the famous persian rapper.
2. در به سیزده) :Sizdah = 13th) + ((Be = going) + (Dar = outside)) = going outside on
3. شکرانه روز) :Roze = Day) + ( Shokrane = Thanksgiving) = Thanksgiving day.
4.“Aerith” a character from “Final Fantasy VII” video game.
5. name of one of the continents of “The Lord Of The Rings” novel that main event
of story happened there . of the continent of “Elder Scrolls” video games series. of the world of “Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation” Light Novel.
8. شاهنامه) :Literal translation: The book of kings) a famous Iranian Epic mythical

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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