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3rd person pov:

Pac was alone in Chume labs, laying in his bed crying into his pillow. He was in a great amount of shock. He had thought Cellbit had changed after all, he thought his days as "Cell" were over and that he could rest a little easier at night knowing that he'd never hurt him or others. But he was wrong. Very, very wrong. Pac tightened his grip on his pillow and looked at his leg, or what remained of it anyways. Every time he looks at the nub which used to be his leg he remembers that horrific day, the day he had his own leg eaten in front of him. It sent chills through his body just thinking of the image,he looked away from his leg not wanting to remember anything more from those days. Pac suddenly heared a knock, he looks at the door and saw Mike.

"What's got you so upset..? Did Fit do something..? He better not have or i'll-" Pac quickly cut him off "no, no, no, no..! It wasn't Fit..! he didn't do anything wrong..!" Mike walked over to Pac's bed and sat down on it "Then tell me what happened, i don't like seeing you upset..." Pac smiled. Mike had always been sort of a protective older brother figure for him, even though Mike was younger. "It's just that... I... I... think Cell is back..." Mike's eyes widened and he adjusted his glasses "Cell..? you mean Cell from prison..? The one that killed Jv..?" Pac nodded and sighed "I'm scared, Mike... What if he hurts us, or richarlyson, or any of the island members..? What will we do then..?" Mike looked at pac and gave a sort of sad look "i don't know what we'll do if that happens, however... I promise to be there for you if anything happens..." Pac looked at Mike and gave a small smile. "Thank you... if it doesn't bother you too much can you cook me something?" Mike chuckled "sure, but don't expect anything too great. I don't have chayanne's cooking abilities after all. Mike then left the room and went to cook something for Pac.

Pac sat up in his bed and took a tissue to wipe his tears away, he picked up his tv remote and put on a movie hoping it'll calm him down even if it just for a little bit. After a while Mike came in with the food. he put the plate of food in front of Pac and put a glass of water and a napkin on his bedside table "It's not much, but it's honest work." Mike started walking towards the door to leave, but before exiting he turned back to Pac. "Fit came by to check up on you, do you want me to let him in or tell him you're asleep and to come visit later?" Pac's eyes light up for a second "yes..! Let him in..! oh god... I left him all alone suddenly..! He's probably mad at me..! I need to apologize to him..." Mike nodded and then left the room. About a minute later Fit came in "Pac..? Are you feeling a bit better now..?" Fit looked quite concerned "I'm better now... don't worry about me fit, I- i'm sorry i just suddenly left i- its just that..." Fit cut Pac off by giving him a hug "Don't worry about it Pac... I understand that you were going through something, there's no need to apologize for having feelings, if it'll make you feel better you can talk to me about it, what do you think..?" Pac stayed quiet, thinking about it for a second "If it really doesn't bother you..." Fit sat down on the bed and held both of Pac's hands. "You could never bother me Pac, I'm here for whenever you need me..." Pac slightly blushed "Well... if it doesn't bother you" Pac sighed "you know how Mike and I were in prison for a bit for robbing a bank, well... Some things happened while we were there. We met Cellbit, however back then he was just known as "Cell". Cell... he was an interesting character... to say the least. One thing led to another and a little something happened..."

Fit was listening attentively to what Pac was saying, he had never opened up much to what had happened to him while in prison since in his words 'I like to leave the past in the past'. "What happened Pac..? Was it something bad..? Pac nodded and kept telling his story "O-one thing led to another and... well... C-cell ate my leg..." Pac had started to tear up at this point, his voice was cracking and he looked away trying to not let Fit see him cry. Fit rubbed Pac's hands with his thumbs trying to provide a sense of comfort to him. Fit himself was quite shocked at this revelation, he never thought Cellbit would be the type of guy to hurt someone like that, he knew Cellbit had a dark and violent past as well but he never knew it was this bad. Then Pac continued talking "As much as i say how the past is past i can't help but remember that horrifying day, now don't get me wrong..! I forgave him long ago..! But... that sign that Bagi showed us... it was..." Pac sighed "I'm going to tell you straight... I think Cell might be back... and I'm scared... I'm scared that he could hurt you, hurt me, or worse case scenario... hurt richarlyson or the other eggs..." The tears in Pac's eyes started to roll down his cheek, he couldn't keep it in any longer. All these years he's been bottling up his emotions for the sake of others, he didn't want to bother others with his grief after all. Fit looked at Pac he wanted nothing more than to comfort the boy, he grabbed the tissue from the beside table and wiped his tears away. "Don't worry Pac... I won't let him hurt you or anyone..." Fit hugged Pac and Pac hugged back, Pac buried his head in the crook of Fit's neck and let out a few quiet sobs.

Fit held him there and comforted him until Pac fell asleep, when Pac fell asleep Fit decided to stay with him for the duration of his nap, him moving might disturb his sleep after all. For a while Fit watched the movie Pac was watching earlier while looking after him, that was until he heard a small meowing sound nearby. Fit looked around the room and saw a medium sized, white cat with different color eyes on the windowsill, it was Madagio, Fit gave madagio a glare and whispered. "Not now... We'll talk later..." The cat let out a small hiss and then left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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