Chapter 1

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3rd pov:
Rosalie isn't sure if she can watch this, the titanic only sank a few weeks ago when it was summer break. And she's she's scared because, she knows it will haunt her when she sees her friends she made on screen.

The screen turns on.
People can be seen going onto the ship.
Some wave to people and they wave back.
Just underneath the surface are two submarines that are lowering deep into the artic waters.
Where the ruins of the titanic lay.

People in the hall gasp when they see what was once a beautiful ship.

Meanwhile while Rosalie was looking at the screen sadly. She misses the friends she made on the ship. She's lucky that Jack survived and lived with her.
A man named Brock Lovett is shown looking out of one the windows. At the sight of the once beautiful, ship.
" Okay take her up over the bow rails.
Brock called out to one of the crew men who was controlling the wheel of the submarine.

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