SCP 4976 - The Devilish Doctor

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Harkman POV:
I stood outside the door to the office to study 049, the Plague Doctor.  As I walked into the room, I was excited to work with new team members.  But it seemed like I was early.  No one was here.  “Huh, wonder where everyone is.  Hmm, I guess I’m early.  Maybe the age is getting to me.”  “Actually, you’re late.  By 48 seconds.  And if the rest of the team isn’t here, they’ll be even more late than you or they were let off, maybe didn't even bother showing up.  They’ll also either be cowards, lazy, or perhaps even lucky bastards depending on how this goes.”  I jolted up at the sound of someone else in the room.  I turned around and standing right beside the doorway was another scientist.  (How didn’t I see him?  Do I need new glasses?)  Glasses, dark brown hair wrapped up in a ponytail, dull brown eyes that if you looked closely were red, though it was hidden through the glasses he wore, and a badge that had a level five on it.  Like me, he wore the researcher uniform, but he seemed strange, and hostile, and had no name tag, but in place was a pronoun tag with he/they/it.  However, they had something that shocked me more than the fact I didn’t see him.  (Is that a tail?  Are those horns?)  I took a step back.  The horns weren’t exactly noticeable, they were like little black bumps, pointy bumps.  Unfortunately, I was one with a good eye.  Even with bad eyesight.  And the tail that swished back and forth was easy to see.  The scientist raised an eyebrow and said, “What?  Is it the tail and horns?”  By his tone, he seemed irritated.  As though the man didn’t want to be here.  I slowly raised a finger and shuddered, “N-No.  I’m fine with the tail and horns, just, who are you?”  The man growled, they seemed angry.  Its tail began moving faster.  I started feeling very uncomfortable, they could see my discomfort.  He relaxed and looked away.  “Sorry, I forgot I’m not as famous here as Mister 963.  I’m famous in my own regard, but no one knows what I look like or how to know it’s me.  Those who do are, well,”  It paused and smiled.  Though he didn’t seem happy about it.  (Those who do are what?)  They still seemed quite perturbed, but the man had calmed down slightly.  It said, “So you’ve been in the foundation for a while?”  I nodded, “Yes, I’ve been with the foundation for years.”  He perked up slightly, “So if you don’t know my number you may know my name?”  “Or the other way around.”  They gave a slight smile.  So far, I was getting somewhere.  “Well, my number is 4976, does that ring any bells?”  I thought for a moment, but nothing came to mind.  “It does sound familiar, but nothing comes off the top of my head.  Are you a researcher here?”  They stared at me with pure silence.  The tail had stopped moving after he calmed down and now began moving again.  “Okay, I’ll take that silence as a yes.  However, that question had an obvious answer.  I probably shouldn’t have asked that.  So what is your name?”  It smiled, though he had a sly expression, “Well since you’re ever so curious.  And you don’t seem like an asshole.  So I’m willing to tell you myself instead of letting you find out on your own.”  They paused and giggled.  Its eyes flashed blood red and it walked up to me.  He then held out his hand and menacingly said, “The name’s Bryan DeVil.  But ……. most around know me as Dr. DeVil.  Though I’ve heard quite a lot about you, and……I kind of like you so far.  So if you’d like, your first favors for free.  No debt …… currently”  I froze and looked at the palm of his hand.  It had a glowing red pentagram on it.  I then moved both hands behind my back, now knowing who this was.  “Come on, you don’t want to shake an old sinner’s hand?”  I strained a smile, the tension in the room now growing, “I’d rather not make deals with the devil.  I’ll do that when I go to hell myself.”  They moved back their hand and walked toward a desk.  Then he spread through the files.  “Do you believe you’re going to hell?”  It asked curiously.  I responded, “After how long I’ve been here.  And what I’ve had to do …… Yes.”  He gave a devious grin, “Then you technically have nothing to lose.  Why not make a deal with the devil now than later?”  I tightened my fists and glanced at the window for scp 049.  It was currently reading a book.  “I’d rather make a deal when there’s no other choice.  Then I have a good reason to be in debt.  And perhaps I won’t regret it.”  Dr. DeVil laughed, it seemed amused by my words.  “Ahaha.  O5 was right, you are going to be quite fun for me.  I hope this partnership goes on till one of us dies.  And by one of us, I mean you.”  He picked up a file with my name.  Then they skimmed through it.  I unnervingly watched the man.  Mainly focusing on how his tail slowed and sped up.  How his mood was like the flip of a coin.  It spoke again, but its tone darkened, “Before I forget, I have one more thing to tell you.  Though you probably already know this.  Don’t piss me off, or forget to pay your debt, then you won’t need a replacement.  Whether that replacement is a body part, or someone else takes your place do to unforeseen circumstances.”  Their eyes turned to a brighter red, and their horns got taller.  “Got it, Harkman?” 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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