My Story

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I regret everything I said in the argument. It just came out. I can't help who I am. I wish I was different, just like everyone else. I'm not though. Here's my story!

Hi, my name is August Winters. Don't make fun of my name; I have enough of that already. I don't make friends very easily. Most people do but I'm different. I'm just going to come out and say it, I'm autistic. I struggle with this kind of thing and I get bullied for it. Most people have someone to stand up for them. I've only one person to do this and I'm scared now, that I've lost her. Her name is Hope. Just like her name, she gave me hope. We met in year 2. She helped me stand up to the bullies. We're now in year 8 and she still helps me, well she did.

We became friends very quickly. We share so many things in common. We both like the same music, TV shows, games and youtubers. We were so close, it was unbelievable. People at school called us the Twins because we liked the same things and we sort of looked alike.

As you can probably guess, we've had an argument. Not many people do this, but I take full responsibility for it. I'm not sure if she'll forgive me but I hope she does. It all started at school. It was a Monday. We were in drama. We had to pick pairs and or course, Hope and I picked each other. It started off fine but I don't know, it just went wrong. I blame my autism. We were practising then out of a sudden, I lost it. Something just took over me; it was like I wasn't in control. "This is useless, I don't see the point. I hate you! I hate everything!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Why did I yell that at her? She my closest friend, scrap that, my only friend. The look on her face made me feel broken inside. I felt like I'd lost everything, my whole world.

That whole week, I had been trying to make it up to her but it was harder than I thought. She had given up everything to help me but now, she's gone back to her old friends. I was alone. I knew if I tried to confront her, her old friends would just be rude to me and/or beat me up. I don't know how she could be friends with them. I have a few scraps and scars from them beating me up. That was before I had met Hope. She came to the school and made friends with them. She saw what they were doing and stopped them. It went on from there.

Why did I have to be so stupid? Why did God make me this way? I'm never going to give up on Hope. She's the one kept me going and that will never stop. Here goes nothing. I approached her in the canteen. I tried so many times to say the right words. I wasn't even sure if I had the right words yet but it was now or never. Well, I could but it just makes it sound more dramatic. Sorry, off topic. Where was I? Oh yeah, apologising to Hope. I went to her table. She gave me this look, a look that I have never seen before. She looked angry but not the normal angry. I was like a "are you coming to apologise?" look. "What do you want?" she said in a disgusted way.
"I've come to apologise" I replied timidly.
"She doesn't want to forgive you or even see you." raged Sheila, head of the group
"Don't put words in my mouth" Hope hissed.
" I'm sorry, I never meant to say those things. I just want us to be the twins again. Together, we're inseparable. Please Hope." I cried.
"Back off!" Sheila yelled.
Before I knew it, my hand was in her cheek and it was bright red. My tray was on the floor. Everyone was looking at us. I ran out of the canteen and into my special corner/ room. In year 7, when Hope was ill, I was being picked on. I ran. I leant against this wall and I noticed it creaked. It was a door, I used a hair clip to open it. It was a secret room, my secret room. I went there when I was upset. I told Hope about it, it was now our place. I went in there, I sobbed and sobbed until the door burst open. It was Hope. She shut the door. I couldn't even look at her. She didn't do anything to stop her. "What do you want?" I mumbled .
"I accept your apology." She replied.
My face instantly lite up. I was overjoyed. I started to cry again but this time, they were tears of joy. Me and Hope were back together. The only thing I feared now was Sheila. She would obviously snitch. I would just say my story. Now you know most of my story, I'll tell you the ending. As I expected, Sheila snitched. I told my story and guess what? I didn't get in that much trouble. I got a behaviour point but that was it. However, Sheila got a detention and a behaviour point for picking on a "innocent and vulnerable student". That what she gets. I don't like to call people names but she's an idiot. Dear Lord, I hope no-one sees this or I'm dead.
There you go, that is my story. I hope you enjoyed. Oh who am I kidding? You're probably asleep, yeah I'm talking to you. GET UP! Thank you, that's better. That's it's from me. Bye!

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