Moonlit Transformation

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Connor's anger boiled inside him like a raging storm. Without thinking, he stormed off towards the boy's bathroom, seeking solace in its solitude. As he entered, the dimly lit room seemed to amplify his frustration.

Just as he was about to release his pent-up emotions, a strange sensation washed over him. His body trembled, and an eerie howl pierced through the air. Connor's heart raced as he realized something was terribly wrong.

In a matter of seconds, his skin prickled, and his bones began to ache. Panic set in as he watched in horror as his hands elongated into sharp claws. His body contorted, muscles bulging and stretching beyond recognition. Connor was transforming into a werewolf!

Harry, unaware of the impending danger, entered the bathroom, searching for his friend. His eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed Connor's monstrous metamorphosis. Fear gripped his heart, but his loyalty and friendship propelled him forward.

As the moonlight spilled through the window, casting an ethereal glow, Connor's transformation was complete. A fierce and formidable werewolf now stood in place of his friend. Snarling and growling, he looked at Harry with a mix of hunger and confusion.

Thinking quickly, Harry backed away slowly, his eyes locked with the beast before him. He knew he had to calm Connor down, to remind him of their bond. With a trembling voice, he spoke softly, "Connor, it's me, Harry. Remember who you are, mate."

The werewolf's ears twitched, and for a moment, a flicker of recognition seemed to pass through his eyes. Harry cautiously approached, extending a hand towards his friend. Miraculously, Connor's growls softened, and he allowed Harry to touch his snout.

In that moment, a connection was forged, stronger than any transformation. The bond of friendship broke through the beastly facade, reminding Connor of who he truly was.

With a sudden burst of determination, Connor leaped out of the shattered window, racing towards the beckoning woods. Harry, fueled by loyalty and curiosity, followed close behind, ready to face the unknown.

As Connor and Harry dashed through the moonlit woods, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, they heard a rustling sound behind them. They turned to see Lily, their brave friend, racing towards them in her wolf form. Without hesitation, Harry leaped onto her back, hoping to catch up with Connor.

Lily's powerful strides propelled them forward, but no matter how fast they ran, Connor remained just out of reach. The moonlight danced on his fur as he disappeared into the distance, leaving the others behind.

Feeling defeated, Lily skidded to a halt, her wolf form slowly fading away. In the blink of an eye, she stood before Harry, completely naked. Blushing and feeling exposed, Lily covered herself with her hands, feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

Quick to act, Harry took off his jacket and gently draped it over Lily's shoulders, offering her comfort and warmth. With a grateful smile, Lily wrapped the jacket around herself, feeling a sense of security in Harry's presence.

As they caught their breath, Harry couldn't help but ask the questions that burned in his mind. "Lily, how did this happen? How did you become a werewolf too? And why is Connor running away from us?"

Lily's eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. She took a deep breath before sharing her story, that she has came from a family that are all werewolves called the silver lighting pack and how her little sister was hunted down by the blood moon pack.

With each word she spoke, Harry's curiosity grew, his mind racing so many questions.
"So what does that mean for Connor?" He asks confused. Lily walks over to him with Harry jacket drowning her and she looks at him and ruffles up his curly dirty blonde hair and he looks at her with a confused expression and he goes to fix his hair to wait on her to answer his question.

There is many things harry wants to ask but he can't wrap his head around what is going on one minute he was a normal person and now his best friend is an werewolf and he just can't get a grip with the idea. As many things going through his head so many questions to be answered but he just wants to know everything exactly and lily takes a step back and she gives him a certain look that makes him turn his head to look at the massive tall green tree standing beside him.

"Well he has to pick what pack he wants to join and become a beta so far he is an omega that is a lone wolf" she answers his question.
"What happens if he doesn't pick a pack to join" he asks scared to hear the answer.
"There is two answers, one is that he can be killed by the black hunters by not having a pack to protect him or the packs would both rip him apart so basically he dies if he doesn't pick" she laughs trying to make the conversation less awkward between them, she looks around to avoid eye contact.

"That's not funny he could die" he says angrily.
"Calm down he's one of us now only if he serves my father and takes the oath" she says putting her hand on his shoulder.
"We have to find him" he says taking her hand off of him by pacing up and down.

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