1.The What Ifs

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Juilie Garber Pov

Im in my room, packing all my books from my book shelves. Im finally moving out of this shit hole. No more sleepless nights and no more yelling. Just 2 more months and im going to move out. Im starting to pack early cause im too excited. Im going to live with my two girl besties and the guys are gonna live in the apartment next door. I can already imagine all the movie nights and group studies we are going to have. I smile thinking about how everything is going to change, this time its going to be a happy change. Suddenly i hear a loud scream
"Are u stupid, your going to let her leave, how the hell are you going to get more money in your bank account asshole"
And thats my que to leave. Fuck, i was having an amazing time and then they have to start fighting over me. No way in hell im staying in this toxic house hold. I hear footsteps and i know they are coming here, shit shit shit. I quickly grab my phone and open the window. I jump out of the window and call Louis. Pick up pick up. " Hey Juless" i take a calm breath "hey what happend" he asks with genuine concern "just come and pick me up please" i say in a hurry walking over to the near cafe. "okay, where u at"  "im at the near by cafe" i reply. "ill be there and im also bringing connor alright?" he says sweetly. " yeah, alright. Come quick, i dont want to stay here any longer" i say and hear jingling of keys from the speaker "alright, ill call when im there. Just stay calm and take deep breathes for me" i hear him say and a slight smile pops up my lips. I decline the call and take a deep breath. Why cant that women just shut up and let me leave that house. She doesnt know the shit i went through in that house with that man i dont want to call my father. She'll be gone in a few weeks then another women will probably be next in line. I reach the cafe and sit down at a table. I open my phone and text Louis

My lifesaver🤍

Me: how much longer Louis
My lifesaver🤍: only a few mins more, hang on jules.

I close the phone and wait for him. I feel bad by putting him through this trouble but i just cant stay there anymore, its terrifying there. I close my eyes trying to forget everything and only remmember the times with my friends.

Louis Hale Pov

I speed up the car. "calm down man, im sure we will reach there in a little bit" i hear my twin connor say while putting a hand on my shoulder "but those shitheads are ruining that poor girl again. She needs me right now"i say despretely and continue speeding up "okay im taking over driving, you are not in your right mind. Man ur too worried, we all hate those shitheads now come on" connor says and i take a deep sigh, he wont ever listen to me. I get out of the car and go to the passanger seat. "you should probably sit in the back so you can sit with julie" connor exclaims while getting in the drivers seat, he is right so i just nodd and get in the backseat. I unpatienly tap my foot until i feel the car stop "we are here" i get out of the car and enter the cafe, trying to find julie. I spot her and run to her. She notices and jumps on me  "i cant deal with them anymore" she sobs while i carry her back to the car "i know jules , trust me i know. You just got to wait 2 more months" i put her in the backseat and get in too. " we can call the others and have a movie night or something" connor suggests. "i wouldnt to put the others in trouble because of me" she says in her sad her voice clearly still wanting to cry. I lay her down and put her head in my lap. "Your not putting anyone through trouble, im sure they would want to come anyways" i tell her in a soothing voice tucking her hair behind her ears. She nodds as she closes her eyes, i can see shes trying not to cry "connor can u call the others then stary driving" i ask connor and he nodds and does what i say. "you can let it all out jules, u can cry, dont be afraid" she hugs my waist and i feel her crying on my stomach, i play with her hair "its okay, its okay" i say. I keep playing with her hair. This sounds weird but this girl even looks pretty after crying. I feel her once tensed body relax.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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