One of us

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I jumped down off the black SUV I had driven with the patented Rose Hathaway flare, the sun immediately hitting my face and making me feel better from the long drive. I wanted to drink it all in, the near summer weather that felt perfect on my skin, the slight breeze that remained from winter, and especially the smell of the academy that loomed in front of me.

It was quiet thanks to it being the Moroi night, but I didn't get the chance to take it all in for long, because Alberta was standing in front of me, a grin on her face, and a look that gave me mushy feelings I did not want to consider.

"Hey" I said, unsure how to react to her considering she was basically a sudo mother figure to me for most of my life.

"Good to see you rose"

I nodded, the last time I had been at the academy wasn't in any way pleasant, it was clouded by the lack of Dimitri and the fact that he was sending me death threats as the undead. But most of my life, the Academy had been my only home, and I was more than excited to be back here even if only for a day.

Lissa was going to give a speech at the end of the moroi day tomorrow, it being a big banquet event that she was required to do. Allowing a connection with the younger generation was something she wanted to do to create a better council in the future, one that was less focused on the self like the current one and more on the greater good of all of vampire culture and all day. She also wanted to encourage younger moroi into fighting alongside the Dhampire instead of simply continuing the victim mentality.

Which is where I come in as her head guardian. Being the head of the Queens guard means I'm technically the highest ranking Dhampire in all of Moroi society. However, us Dhamoires were much less formal than the Moroi about rank and all that stuff. Soon after taking the post , I realized the only thing I was getting was much more work.

Example A: I am currently standing at the Academy after a long drive because I was required to come early and do a security detail with the head guardian of the Academy, aka Alberta.

I wasn't exactly complaining, I loved liss like she's my sister and protecting her is my job. I was, however, extremely grouchy about the paperwork. Fuck paperwork.

I was pretty sure paperwork was invented by Satan to prevent humanity from furthering as a whole. Cause if you enjoyed Life even a little bit, you can change that by looking at the paperwork you have to fill out.

However, I ignored all that in favor of giving Alberta a hug. It was a quick one,but this lady had basically raised me and deserved a hug as a greeting. Also, I was definitely Excited to be back at the Academy despite my hatred for anything that caused me to lose sleep.

I couldn't take a jet to myself, so I had to make the drive from court to the academy. I knew I would likely be dead on my feet after a full way of guardianing lissa and driving, so I had decided to make the trip a bit earlier so I could at least get a few hours of sleep before waking up in the moroi morning.

"your room is ready for you" Alberta informed me, as I started grabbing my bags from the car.


She simply nodded, waiting for me to finish, then leading me deeper into the campus. Soon enough, she was leading me to the Guardians' rooms, which admitted I was slightly surprised by, I wasn't sure why, but my brain had thought I would stay in the dorms like I always had while a student here.

Clearly, that was a stupid thought, and I forced my face to not react so I wouldn't give away the momentary surprise I had.

Alberta seemed like she's able to read minds when I was younger, and for a moment, I considered if she knew, despite knowing the ridiculousness of that thought.

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