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If I could take one year back, it would be the summer of 2018. When my world became an ever-growing place of darkness, I thought it would be a great way to start senior year; a night of fun. I still have nightmares of that night. It was all so fast.


December 22, 2020

"I should have seen it coming," Tears streamed down my face.

"Given your history, I should have known better."

"Please tell me that at least part of it was real," My eyes filled with tears, burning with rage.

"You know," I started to choke on my words.

"Stephanie was right about you." Desmond looked shocked like he didn't know what I was talking about, making me more angry.

Desmond started to walk closer to me."Stephanie! Baby, no no no, whatever she said is a lie."

"Get the hell away from me!" I lunged onto the bedroom bed and grabbed Desmond's gun he kept behind his pillow.

"Or I will shoot you." At this point, I'm a dripping mess, holding a gun.

Before I knew what was happening Desmond leaped over the bed and pinned me to a wall. Both eye to eye and neck to neck. Is this what my life has become? Full of anger and regret?

I looked him deep in his eyes and spoke first.

"Do it already, kill me. That's what you want, right?"

I motioned for him to come closer so that I may whisper in his ear.

"Just like you did to Maria."

      - Hi thanks for reading my prologue, I hope you like it. And yeah I know it's short but wait till you see the next chapter.

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