Chapter 1

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July 11, 2020

As I walked to the bright blue doors I could hear the chatter that aroused in the room. Not even two feet away from it, yet I can still hear. This is one of the biggest cases of my life, one that can make or break me. As I entered the hall I could see a full courthouse through the clear glass.

Approaching the doors, I took a deep breath in and out.

The guard noticed me, "You ready?" He had a big smile on his face, which calmed my nerves down.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I just needed to calm myself down a bit."

"Well, you do you queen." and with that, he bowed like a gentleman and gestured as if in a way to try to show me the way in.

"Wow, you just made my day." He didn't say anything back to me, he just lifted himself, smiled, and opened the doors.

As I entered, my appearance silenced the crowd. Everyone was here, 3 Supreme Court justices, the media, and even Governor Jaminson. What a rare sight.

"Yeah, all these people 'totally' doesn't put any pressure on me," I said to myself, biting my lip.

Walking down the aisle I spotted my target, Xavier Knight; Mafia/Drug lord. Interpol just caught him here in New York trying to import illegal drugs into the city to expand his business. After multiple tries, they finally found raw evidence on him that could possibly incriminate him. The hard part about this is anybody who'd tried to prosecute him showed up dead a week later. Although there wasn't ever any proof that he did it, speculations are still in the air.

I feel as if time is rewinding itself. Like in a way that just when I think I'm halfway there, I'm back where I started. No matter how fast I walk or run, it's never enough. But after what felt like an eternity I finally made it to my seat.

Slowly I started to look around the room, many of whom I saw looked unfamiliar. Right after I took my seat everyone went back to talking. I'm pretty sure the ruling is supposed to start in the next few minutes but even so, it doesn't seem like many people are interested.

Do u ever get that feeling that you're being watched? Well yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now. But why do I get the feeling that it's not just one person? Slowly, I gazed around the room looking for even the slightest piece of discomfort. Anything or anyone to show that I wasn't safe...or to know I was his next target.


It's only been an hour now but this trial feels like it's been going on for years. Do you know what the strange thing is? During this whole time, Xavier hasn't spoken one word... just watching. And what I mean by watching I mean me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but every time I get up to approach the stand, his henchmen follow me with their eyes like a hawk. As if I'm their prey just waiting for an opportunity to devour me.

One of them looks weird, he has this creepy look in his eyes and if a look could kill, I would already be dead by now.

"Your honor, the DA here accuses my client of importing illegal drugs into the country, yet doesn't have enough evidence to make this charge stick on my client," spoke Xavier's incompetent lawyer.

The judge looked intrigued at this idea but was also upset. After a few minutes of thinking the judge called for a 10-minute break. Many left the courtroom but very few didn't, this would also include one of Xavier's henchmen; The creepy one.

As I began to pack up a few of my things I felt a heavy hand placed on my shoulder, one that left me with shivers down my spine.

"Hey pretty lady," he said in a hushed tone. The way he spoke to me gave me chills.

"You do know you can go to jail for sexual assault, right?" I said sarcastically.

"You do know we're going to win this court case...right?" He had a nasty grin on his face. The next thing I hear is a clicking sound and something poking into my back.

I gasped, "So the rumors are true. When things get cut close for Xavier Knight, he sends his dog to pick up the pieces," there was a silence that ushered over us. "Am I right?" I questioned him.

I looked over to my side and he seemed irritated. Also if you look closely enough you can almost see his veins popping out. I can tell I make his blood boil and see that no woman has ever talked down to him like this. Hopefully, I won't be the last.

Still, with his hand on my shoulder, he applied pressure to it. "If you don't want to die, I would advise you to watch that mouth of yours."

"Oh, am I pushing a button? You do realize that there is a camera directly in front of us," I said coyly. "Do u also know that I'm District Attorney and if anything were to happen to me there would be a warrant out to arrest you and all of your associates."

He didn't say anything. For a while, he just stared into my eyes debating on what to do. Until he let me go and spoke his final words.

"Until we meet again, Ms.D'aydrian." And slowly, he walked away.

With this I quickly sped off to the bathroom, ushering everyone and anyone out of my way. Making it to the bathroom I locked the door behind me and fell to my knees. There was a tight sensation that held my chest, and even now, I still feel like I can't breathe. As my breathing accelerated my head began to pound. This pain was above all I've felt before.

Pushing through the pain, I dug into my bag itching for my anxiety pill popping one too many.

I know this isn't the right thing to do but what do you do when you're in pain? When no one understands how you one to talk to. For me, as a person with social anxiety communicating is one of the hardest things to do.


-Thanks for reading, see more next week!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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