lost in the heat of it all

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After the unusual greetings with an absolute angel, Jungeun went to the living room to investigate, she didn't know anyone there, except for yves and chuu ofc. Yves and Chuu are dating and they're the it couple, everyone loves the tall and short dynamic which makes them the total opposites. Yves has dark hair, chuu has pinkish hair with a fringe which makes her face so cute, Jungeun swears that girl is a walking marshmallow. 

It was so crowded that Lip couldn't believe that her best friend fit all of them inside her small apartment. She was so overwhelmed, she needed a beer. At that moment she was glad that chuu loved the same brand as her. She opened the can and let the liquid fill her throat with that sizzle scraping her palate just the way she loved it. After sitting on the main couch surrounded by already drunk teens, a familiar girl sat next to her. It was Jinsoul, the angel. She saw Jungeun's wallpaper, it was Bada Lee. (gayyyy) Jinsoul lighted up and told Lip she loves dancing and Bada is one of her favourite dancers. What a coincidence, Jungeun was in a kpop cover group and loved dancing just as much. They talked about it for a bit and Kim encouraged Soul to join her dance team. The conversation went very smoothly, they complimented each other and their interests were the same. As fun as that sounds, Lip the nerd she is, started talking about her lego collection and how much she loved it. Jinsoul collected gundams so they both listened to each other rant about their special interests. 

Each beer made Jungeun more blunt and talkative, which led to spilling a lot of facts she wasn't supposed to tell a random stranger... Jinsoul accepted her weirdness and made her feel special. Unfortunately Lip went to the party on an empty stomach which led to her throwing up everything she let her system absorb. Not fun, but Jinsoul was there holding her hair and she even called Lip's best friend to pick her up. When heejin came upstairs and took Kim's lifeless body to her car, Jinsoul stayed near her till they drove away.  Then Lip's night ended, she got home and barely made it to her bed, oh she's gonna regret this tomorrow, but that a problem for jungeun from the morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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