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To say Alastor was having one of the worst days of his afterlife was an understatement. It took a lot to get him truly and utterly pissed off. Today though he was livid. It had started that morning when he'd woken up and noticed something was very wrong. He felt hot and his skin felt like a furnace.

Alastor was very aware of a lot of things but he couldn't figure it out at first. He chose to ignore it getting dressed it became very clear that whatever it was wasn't going to clear up easily despite his initial thought. The radio demon was covered in sweat as he went about preparing breakfast for himself, a deer carcass.

When he sat down to eat he got a horrible cramp like feeling in his stomach. It made him recoil from his food and he began to feel light headed. Alastor couldn't deny it any longer something was wrong and he had no idea what it was. Alastor refused to let any of the others know about his issue; he couldn't stand the thought of being seen as weak.

A day had passed painfully by since then and it hast gotten any better. It didn't help that he felt a particular bodily need in his groin area that he wasn't even willing to acknowledge. Alastor was above such pursuits and the thought of even engaging in touching himself there was enough to send his empty stomach convulsing.

That was another thing he felt nauseated and weak. He hated it in all his years as a deer sinner; he had never had this problem until recently. What has changed? The radio demon couldn't sense anything different at first until he really thought about it. Then he realized it.

Alastor had gotten comfortable at the hotel and had begun to think of all its residents as his. Maybe not in the way they wanted him to feel affection for them but it was the most he'd felt about any particular group of people in a long time if ever. Alastor was manager of the hotel and as such it was his job to watch over and protect it that included its residents.

Besides, they provided him with endless entertainment that he couldn't get anywhere else. Alastor wasn't doing well; he knew that. So after a long battle in his head he decided to venture his way down for some water.

Alastor used his shadow to teleport him to the kitchen. It took all his strength he grabbed the counter with both hands head bowed low for a few seconds as he breathed shakily in. Alastor composed himself. If he was going to do this he had to make this quick; he was weakening by the second his pitiful body going through hell.

Alastor made for the fridge grabbing a water bottle he sighed as the cold was comforting against his heated hand. He closed the fridge holding the bottle against his head and he felt a little relief. Leaning over the counter he stood like that for a few seconds.

"You okay boss? You don't look so good?" A voice asked behind him, startling the overlord. Alastor had thought that he was alone; he had examined the kitchen before relaxing. It seemed he was wrong as Husk was standing in the doorway looking concerned.

Alastor turned around covering up his surprise by putting on his usual smiling facade. It was strained at the corners Husk seemed to notice judging by his frown. "I am perfectly fine Husker. Just came down for some water is all. No reason to be concerned." Alastor said he felt exposed without his overcoat and with his sleeves rolled up. He'd foolishly left it in his room taking it off since he was hot.

Husk didn't seem to buy his lie as he raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You look like you're about to pass out and no one saw you at all yesterday. Somethings going on so just cut the crap." Husk growled he hated it when people acted like nothing bothered them. He knew that something was wrong with Alastor. Why wouldn't he just admit it already?

Husk knew provoking the overlord wasn't a wise decision. It had gone badly for him in the past. Alstor hadn't gone more than given him a good scare yet he'd threatened to do much more next time Husk overstepped his boundaries. Husk recoiled fear showing in his eyes as he realized this as Alastor glared at him his mouth pulled back into a malicious smile.

♣ 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ♣ - RADIOHUSKWhere stories live. Discover now