Midnight Mischief II

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You couldn't help but snuggle up in Kyle's jacket that he so generously allowed you to use when the breeze had chilled you to your core. The sleeves on the jacket were a bit longer than your arms, but this just made it all the more comfortable. A slight blush tinted your cheeks and you brought the sleeves to your face as you cuddled more into the soft fabric. Sure, it smelled like him, but you weren't going to complain at all. If anything, the scent on his jacket made you feel so relaxed. This just was confusing you though. He made you feel butterflies, he made you feel that warm soft fuzzy feeling, but... he really didn't want to even hug you. But he was so kind to you, and he'd even blush around you sometimes. God, this was just so confusing. 

Craig looked around everyone, before saying. "I'll go next." 

"There's this rumor that goes around, saying that a certain phone number will call you. It will be someone from the future, and if you choose to believe it, fortune might come upon you. However, the future person might not have good news. They might be trying to save you from a dangerous situation. You never know when this call will come, but when it does, you're going to want to answer it." 

"There will be no sign of an ID for the caller, it'll just show your phone ringing. You will not be able to tell who is calling you. There will be a date on the phone, and the phone will be an exact year from the day you get your call." 

There was silence. Before anyone could open their mouths and complain about how stupidly short the story was, one of the phones began to go off. It was Tolkien's phone. He pulled it out of his pocket, and seemed confused. "Very fucking funny, Craig." He glared over at the boy. There was no caller ID on the phone. "You think that you're going to spook me that easily? Fuck you." Tolkien gritted his teeth, as he decided to answer the phone. "Hello?" 

"Wh-whatever you do, don't answer the door!" A frantic, and terrified voice sounded from the speakerphone. "Don't answer the door for ANYONE tonight!" The voice spoke out again, before the call had disconnected. 

Everyone glared at Craig. This had to of been his doing somehow, right? However, Craig didn't have his phone out, nobody did except for Tolkien. They don't know how Craig pulled that off, but it was too predictable, right? "Fuck you guys, I didn't even have my phone out! How was I supposed to be behind it?! Fuck this, I'm going to the bathroom." He grumbled under his breath and strutted out towards the bathroom downstairs. 

"You know what guys. Let's actually tell a good story, one that will really scare the shit out of people." Tolkien decided it was his turn to tell the story. 

"There's an old folklore that's gone around from my grandparents, and even their grandparents have spoken about this tale. There is someone who will be willing to offer you a game, and the prize could very much be worth it. You don't know what the prize is, as nobody has been able to figure out what the prize was, nobody's been able to win his game." 

"He will offer you a high-stakes game to tell him a story that will chill him to the bone, something that will absolutely scare the shit out of him. Nobody's been able to scare him, and they've paid the price. When you fail the game, this man will take something precious of yours. He will never tell you when, or what this item is, but when it's gone, you will know who the culprit is."

"You might be thinking that he's out to steal something high of value that you own. People have made this mistake, as they've hidden their most valuable items in gun safes, or in a spot that only they know of. This man and his game, he's not after money, and neither does he want something that is valuable in terms of money or wealth. The game, and you losing, means you can very much lose your best friend, a family member, or your pet. Whoever you value most in your life, will disappear without a trace as though they've never existed." 

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