Mother Son Day

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A/N: Short one but anyways: Based on the headcanon that Tré is a total mamas boy and whenever he's sad she takes him out

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If you know Tre then you'd know he stresses himself out. Sometimes more severely than others.

This particular night, everything seemed to get under his skin, everything annoyed him, every task stressed him out, every person who breathed at him wrong made him want to explode.

He came home, exhausted, he went into his mom's room and laid on her bed, screaming into one of her pillows.

She looked up from her desk and laughed softly at her son.

"Tré? Mon cher? You alright?" She walked over and sat down next to Tré, rubbing his back.

"I dunno everything is just.. ticking me off! School's ticking me off, people are ticking me off, I just." He sighed and grumbled some nonsense into the pillow.

His mom pouted and pulled him into a tight hug. "Awh. Mon pauvre bébé!" She began to litter his face in kisses, Tre laughed and tried to push her off.

"Mama! Stop!" He giggled as his mom dropped him, wiping some of the lipstick off his face.

"Look how about this, tomorrow me and you go out shopping and get lunch together, how's that sound mon bébé." She ruffled Tre's hair.

Tre nodded "I'd like that.. thanks mama."

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