Me and My Husband

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The sun was shining brightly down the girl, who was twirling and dancing gracefully amongst the sea of flowers. She hums with the melody she once heard from the birds of the sky, Oh how she loves this peaceful moment.

As the water of the clear pond creates small ripples from fishes, who were as joyful as the lady dancing with grace on the land. They swam around in sync, as if to join such serene and lovely atmosphere created by her.

As she swayed to the side with her right hand lifting as if expecting someone to hold it for her, her endearing eyes closed to feel more of the rhythm around her. She rarely gets to experience something like this, but nonetheless she will make sure to cherish it with every second before the God forsaken world continues it's onslaught of cruelty upon her once more.

Suddenly, a figure came quietly and wrapped their arms hers yet she did not panic. Instead with their left hand on her waist and right hand under her outstretched hand, they resumed and waltzed across the breathtaking field. Just like that, something filled the atmosphere completely.

Staying in close distance to each other, they swayed with grace, with the other taking the lady in their arms and lifts her up in the air as they twirled her around which filled her with a giddy feeling within. Her eyes stayed close, but it didn't hinder them moving around as if it was meant to be... As if it was second nature for both of them, and they didn't mind it.

Sadly, every good moments must come to an end. As they danced breathlessly, until the sunset came around.

After awhile, they eventually got tired from dancing and decided to sit under a tree near the pond. The air around them was fresh and fragrant from the flowers, her eyes opened as her gaze locked upon... Him. Her eyes softened at the sight of him, returning his loving gaze towards her. He plucked a flower from the side, and placed it on her hair, admiring the masterpiece on his lap where she lay her head.

"How are you,My dearest?", He said. She ever so slightly smiled, "As fine as I can be by your side, Mi principe." She responded soothingly, placing a hand gently on his cheek.

"How about you?", He shook his head slightly indicating he's alright.

No other words can be said as they enjoyed each others presence peacefully, after all this rare moment is something that can be cherished when the time comes.

Enjoying his fingers threading through her hair gently, as they gazed up on to the horizon of the setting sun. She spoke hollowed in contrast to her soulful voice earlier,

"I believe it's time to go, Mi Rey..."

She smiled up lovingly to him, as her eyes held sadness, love, and sympathy within. He held her hand, and squeezed it tightly but not enough to hurt her. It was clear he was unwilling to let go of his beloved, he didn't wish to leave this moment behind just yet.

"No... Not yet, My evangeline." His voice shook slightly, but composed himself quickly.

"We have talked about this Darling, it's for the best... We'll meet again someday." She tried assuring him calmly, yet it didn't quell his nerves. Especially the haze of his vision began to spread making him dizzy, it was forcing him to close his eyes even when he fought the urge against it.

She remained still in his arms, smiling so comfortingly despite the unstoppable separation between the two poor souls.






"Wake up, Mi rey."


He suddenly rose from his deep slumber, and the sight around him made his soul scream in grief and anger.

The place around him was nowhere near as beautiful as the place where his beloved was at, this place is full of cruelty and destruction of the fallen people from the war. His heart stopped as he looked beside him. There she was. His beloved. His love. His wife. Laying beside him not moving despite this her hand was in his holding it securely, as if it was the only thing that could ground her after what happened. Her touch was cold. There was no breath from her, she was dead.

His heart twisted ever so painfully that it felt it was going to be ripped away from his chest, he cried and cried his emotions out until all he felt was hollow and emptiness. He cradled her body carefully, gently rocking back in forth in denial. Wishing for her to come back alive, and comfort him once more as she did before.







'Perhaps in another life shall we meet again,

...My Dearest.


Your Evangeline'

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