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March 2

(Saturday evening, after a long day at church, the gang is trying to regroup on the group chat)

(Catman, Matthew, and Keegan are waiting for the girls)

[Matthew] So, are you guys going to watch titanic at the school's auditorium this week?

[Catman] Sure, why not.

[Keegan] I'm down, I guess

I'm really looking forward to the snacks and coziness, I'll probably fall asleep mid movie. It's so long

[Matthew] Right? Like all that time just for Jack to end up dead.

[Catman] I've never seen titanic before.

[Keegan] Get out

[Catman] No, I'm serious

[Matthew] Wow, never?

Can't say I'm too surprised.

It's not really something I'd take my personal time to watch, but since I get to cozy up with my friends at a theater setting, I can not turn it down.

[Keegan] Facts

(Camila enters the chat)

[Matthew] Hey, Camster!

[Keegan] Cammy, what's up

[Catman] Hey Cam!

[Camila] Hey guys!

Um, Zoe has something she'd like to share with you all.

(Zoe enters the chat)

[Zoe] Hey guys!

[Keegan] Hey Zoe

[Catman] Hey! 😺

[Matthew] Howdy!

[Zoe] 🤭

Um, so I guess Cammy already informed yall that I have something I'd like to share.

I, um, I'm sorta getting with this guy named Brian. He's from California, and well, I want to know if it's ok if he kinda joined the group chat from time to time?

[Catman] 😼 I knew it

[Matthew] Of course you did.

Yeah, Zoe, it's um, alright with me, so that's one vote, I guess.

[Camila] Two!!

[Catman] 😺 3

[Zoe] Keegan??

[Keegan] Yeah, I mean, sure why not. 4

[Zoe] Thanks, guys, I truly appreciate it.

I'll add him.

(Zoe adds Brian to the group chat)

(Brian enters the chat)

[Brian] Hello everyone, my name is Brian, obviously, and it's nice to meet you all!

[Camila] Hello Brian

[Matthew] What's up

[Zoe] 🥰😘

[Catman] Hi

[Keegan] ✌️

[Zoe] So Bri, kinda introduce yourself.

[Brian] Oh, ok. Um, my name is Brian Adrian Lester. I'm from good ole California. I'm 23 years old, and I'm currently enrolled as an orthodontist at a nearby college.

I'm 6'3, I like to play instruments, especially the guitar, listen to music, meet new people and animals, I obviously like Zoe a lot. I might head back to Cali after this semester.

I play football, I like fishing, I love movies and I'm pretty big on kindness and being generous with others. That's all, I guess.

[Catman] Hmm, and how exactly did you stumble upon our girl Zoe?

[Zoe] You can tell them.

[Brian] Alright, cool, um, so it happened that one day I was walking around yall school campus looking for my cousin, she's enrolled here.

And I was in need of a cup of coffee from walking around for hours searching, so I went to a campus cafe, and she happened to be there doing what it looked like was calculus.

So I ordered my coffee, and the nice lady said that they were unfortunately fresh out, so she had to grind more beans in the back. Typical, especially after a busy morning of sleepy adults. I said I'd wait.

Meanwhile, I sat about a table from her. I paid her no mind, but I could see her constantly gazing at me. So I eventually said hello, she was nervous, but I kinda expected that.

About 5 minutes after we said hello, she said it again. And I was intrigued, so I got closer to her and eventually sat on her table.

We got to talking, and she said that I was cute, which ngl made me blush. I called her beautiful. We could see the nervousness in each other, lol.

But I eventually got one of her older brothers numbers. I met her family, and yeah, we kinda tied the knot there.

[Matthew] And when did all of this take place?

[Zoe] About a month and some change  ago.

[Camila] Wow, that's interesting 👏

[Matthew] Yeah, I mean, you do seem like a great guy.

[Catman] Congrats, I guess.

[Zoe] I guess?

[Catman] My apologies. Congrats!

[Brian] I have a question. Respectfully, why do they call you Catman?

[Catman] You're too new for that.

[Keegan] You got a job, Brian?

[Brian] Oh, yes sir. I work at the Chili's not too far from yall school, about a 7 minute drive.

[Zoe] I'm so glad you all support Brian and I. You guys are the best!

[Camila] Of course, you're our friend, and there's nothing but love and support over here.

[Catman] Honesty too.

[Zoe] Well, Brian and his family want to take my family out somewhere to eat, so I've gotta go. 😅🤗 Bye!!

[Camila] Bye Zoe, have fun!!

[Matthew] Alrighty then, peace

[Catman] Yeah, bye

[Keegan] Take care

(Zoe leaves the chat)

[Brian] Yeah same, it was nice meeting you guys, much love and respect. 🙏

[Camila] Bye 🤗

[Matthew] Alright, Brian

[Camila] I'm gone too, you guys, gotta tidy up my room, bye!!

[Keegan] Good night, Cam

[Catman] Sleep well. Bye!

[Matthew] Night!!

(Camila leaves the chat)

[Matthew] Keegan. Status?

[Catman] 😦

[Keegan] I um, I gotta go. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, be God's will my folks need me.

[Matthew] Alrighty then, take care, my guy.

[Catman] Don't let it eat you, night Champ.

(Keegan leaves the chat)

[Catman] 😿

[Matthew] I know

I just don't know what to do, or think rn

I just hope he's alright.

[Catman] Same

[Matthew] We'll talk tomorrow, be God's will?

[Catman] Yep, God's speed.

(Catman and Matthew exit the chat)

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