When The Night Falls Part 1

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It was a quiet, scary forest. There was an odd dead calm silence in the forest. Only the sound of owls could be heard.

Me & my other 2 partners were investigating a case that had come in just a week ago. Me and my partner all 3 had walkie-talkies. Not only we could talk through that, but we could also track one another, in case one had gotten off-track.

I was investigating alone, while my other 2 partners were paired up.

Suddenly, just as I was lost in my own thoughts, I heard a deep growl. I didn't mind that, as we were in a forest and there were all sorts of animals.

I heard, flapping of wings, but it was from a distance, but what really caught my attention in that was the force of wind. Only some really big wings could give THAT TYPE of force of wind.

I had contacted my partners through the walkie-talkie, thinking they could have heard or felt something too, but when I had asked them if they had felt or heard anything, they replied with a "NO"

Disappointed, I told them to keep their eyes and ears open. and hung up. 

I was going through all kinds of thoughts in my head. Imagining the worst of things. I couldn't think of anything like that.

I gave myself a little courage & moved on.

Just then, I saw something, 2 small glowing dots. At first, I thought they might be fireflies or even my imagination, but they weren't moving around. It seemed like as if they had been stuck. it didn't blink. No movement at all. While I was looking at it, I went through all the things in my head I could think of. I would be interested in all sorts of animals, creatures, mythological & gemological creatures. I had read a lot about them. And trust me, when i say read about them. I really do read them. More like studying about them. 

As i was going through everything i had ever read about them, in a blink of an eye, it had gone.

I had a weird type of chill running inside my whole body now. 

"What was that? Why did it not move? Was it human? Am I going to die? " I had all those stupid thoughts and voices in my head. I talked to my partners. I told them everything in detail about what had happened. 

They said, "It's probably just your imagination Avery. We can work on the case tomorrow if you're tired for now." 

"Nah, I'm fine. I'll just sit down for a few minutes; you guys keep looking." I replied. 

"Okay. take care, girl." And then I hung up.

I sat down on a huge rock for a while. And then I got back on my feel and started looking again. As I was looking, I tried to find at least something.

"I'm pretty sure that was NOT my imagination." I thought to myself.

Those eyes, they didn't look like as if they were of some animals.

"Ever since I came to the forest, I have a disturbing wild essence. Or maybe, that's because it's my first time solving this type of case. Or maybe because I was all alone?" 

I was not sure what that was. but I was pretty sure that was NOT my imagination. And then again, I heard that deep growl. Again, reminding myself, I was in a forest, and I ignored it. But I heard it again. 

But this time, it was very deep. It was too deep for any animal or even a bird. That deep growl was followed by a deep moan, and now, I was confirmed that wasn't of some animal or bird. I made up my mind to follow that sound, wherever it came from. I heard a growl followed by a moan once again. I just moved on with an empty head. 

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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