~Inlove again~

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I Think im inlove again by a Guy in my school . Let's name him Andrei. I actually don't know how did I got inlove with him. It is actually complicated im inlove with someone let's name him Chadrick but then when I saw him at the canteen I thought he was the one he was perfect he might not be smart but he is perfect for me. When the first time I saw him is I started loosing feelings for Chadrick, Chadrick was my longest crush for 2 years he was the one for me I thought when I still have feelings for him... But I started loosing feelings for him each time we fought I was getting more inlove with Andrei and each time I saw him walking to his next class at recess while he is walking front to front I don't have an expression but after...We were back to back my heart was pounding he is like so handsome and my stomach is filled with butterflies Each time I wake up to go to school he was the one I'm looking for, and at lunch I would go around the school just so I can see him but each time I see him I was getting really shy as hell!! But thankfully my bff lets name her Kate is there to help me calm down. He plays pogs I also played pogs when I was a kid I was one of the strongest player to play pogs with my neighbors and cousins actually I was the only girl who play pogs when I was a kid but idk why pogs make me happy so back to him he is perfect. And I was so happy because I'm about to graduate from Chadrick I only have 0.00001 feelings for him because I also know that he would never like me. But if ever my parents would let me have my first bf I would ask him if we can be together. Fun fact I was blushing while writing this🥰🥰. And because of i only like Chadrick a little percent now I always dreamed of him being jealous of me and Andrei HAHAAH

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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