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Ma:Mbali mntwana wam kwamele kwenzeke loku(Mbali my child ,this has to happen)(she said this while starring so deep into my father's eyes)
Mbali:Well too bad ,angifuni mina(I don't want to)
I stood up and left their hut in a hurry as if something was chasing me ,I just can't believe what they are doing to me nor to Menzi ,I admit he's been my friend and whatnot but my husband?no ,hell no ,I don't even have romantic feelings for Menzi ,he's like a brother to me ,a little brother for that matter because he acts like he's a child and I always have to protect him , always .And this is brutally unfair to him too ,this might come as a shock to him too ,this just angers me ,I'd strangle someone right now but I kept calm and went inside my hut ,I found Lihle awake ,this means she never slept and I just hope she doesn't ask me anything
Lihle:Bekathini uma wakho?(What was your mother saying?)
Mbali:Lutho(i just looked away as a signal to her that I'm about to sleep)
Lihle:Angeke uthi lutho Mbali hawu ,waba njani kanti?(It can never be nothing Mbali geez ,why are you like this now?)(She laughed a little)
Mbali:Ngithe lutho Nolihle hawu ,awungiyeka tuh ,ngifuna uk'lala manje!.(I said it's nothing Nolihle geez ,leave me alone I wanna sleep)
Lihle:Okay then ,uzolala Kahle Mbalenhle (You'll have a good sleep Mbalenhle)(Her voice was calm ,already I regretted the way I talked to her but I'm so not in the mood for talking to her about this because this isn't going to happen at all ,imagine ,me and Menzi ,hell no)
I woke up and found Lihle not here with me ,I guess I woke up late again ,I stood up and went to the kitchen hut ,i found Lihle there making soft porridge ,I greeted her
Mbali:Hey sis ,what are you making?(I walked towards her)
She just gave me my bowl full of porridge and went out ,I followed her ,running after her and she stopped
Lihle:Ufunani?(what do you want?)(her voice was calm but her face was so straight ,I guess she's angry at me).
Mbali:Ngiyaxolisa ngaloku engikwenze izolo Lihle(I'm sorry about what I did yesterday)
Lihle:Okay (she continued walking ,I guess she didn't forgive me ,I left her like that then I went to sit outside and started digging in my food then someone petted my shoulder ,when I took a look at who's that person ,It was mom ,okay now I'm irritated)
Ma:(sat next to me)S'thandwa sika mama(Mommy's baby)
I didn't even respond to her ,I just continued to gaze at the mountains
Ma:About yesterday
Mbali:What about yesterday?(i gave her a straight face)
Ma:Mbali Mntanam ,yicabange lento(Mbali my child ,think about this)
Mbali:Angimthandi uMenzi ngaleyondlela ma(I don't have romantic feelings for Menzi mom)
Ma:Love?(she laughed) ,what's love Mbali?Have you ever seen a person marrying a person they love ever since you were born?No ,baby no ,we don't know how love feels like including knowing what love looks like ,surely love knows no pain and love knows no suffering ,if love existed here ,I would've been the only wife to your father ,but no we are many ,you can't marry someone because you love them ,marry them when you don't even love them ,in that way you won't even get hurt ,you'll just bear little love(s) that you'll truly love ,and those are going to be your kids ,your first true love are your own babies ,so don't tell me about love Mbali ,love is no more
Mbali:(she has a straight point but I still believe in love ,I still believe that I'll find my true love in the near future)Well I won't marry someone I don't love ma ,don't change my mind (I stood up and left her there and went to my hut ,started sharpening my spear)
Lihle walked in ,she found me busy sharpening my spear and she sat next to me
Lihle:Wanna talk?
Mbali:Talk about what ?
Lihle:Come on Mbali ,whenever you start sharpening this thing ,it's because you are angry or sad ,so talk
Mbali:(This person knows me very well ,but in this case I'm just thinking about what my mom said ,I don't know whether I should tell lihle about this or what)Well......that's not the case
Lihle:Right ,aw'thi ngik'shiye mina(Let me leave you)(she stood up and I stopped her ,maybe I do need to talk about this even though it's so stupid that I'm even considering it)
Lihle:(she sat down next to me ,and looked at me with a straight face on)
Mbali:UGatsheni noMa bafuna ngishade uMenzi(Gatsheni and mom want me to get married to Menzi)
Lihle:(her eyes popped out ,she kept quiet then talked after a while)Awufuni Kanti wena?(don't you want to?)
Mbali:Cha Lihle , uMenzi wumngani wam futhi yigwala nje ,futhi mina angimthandi nhlobo njengomuntu engingamshada(No lihle ,Menzi is my friend and he's a coward ,I don't love him as someone I'd get married to at all)
Lihle:(she laughed at what I just said )Ngiyakuzwa ntombi ,kodwa uma abazali bakho becabange lokhu shukuthi lento ikhulunywe abantu bakhabo Menzi (I hear you girl ,but if your parents thought about this it simply means Menzi's family are the ones who suggested this)
Mbali:(great point she gave in ,did menzi even think about this?i need to see him)Kwamele ngibonane naye uMenzi ,kuningi okwamele sikudikide(I have to see menzi ,there's a lot we need to talk about)
I flashed out of the hut ,leaving lihle all alone ,now anger was bursting out of my veins ,how can our parents even think about this ,menzi is my brother now and I still believe in love and that my true love is just waiting for me somewhere in the world so I won't ruin my chances of being in love because of satisfying my parents ,and besides menzi always tells me about a girl he's in love with but I don't know her name yet ,maybe today I'll find out when I address this issue .So I took my spear with me and went to Menzi's place ,I so wish I'd find him alone ,I'm so not in the mood of greeting those elders who want to control our lives. I found Menzi speaking to his friend Sizwe ,I greeted them both and Sizwe left us and went inside the Mhlongo's place(Menzi's home)
Menzi:(he was smiling like an idiot as always but I just love his smile ,it calms me down from time to time)Mbali
Mbali:Menzi ,we need to talk
Menzi:Uyang'thusa mina manje(You're freaking me out now)
Mbali:You have to be freaked out about this ,but we can't talk here
Menzi:Hayi Mbali ung'thusa kwamampela manje ,yini sizofa?(he looked scared honestly)
Mbali:(I laughed a little)No ,let's go ,I'll tell you when you're a bit calm
Menzi:Okay ,soyaphi vele?(where will we go?)
Mbali:I know a place
We went to my favourite place ,where my mom and I used to go to when we want to talk about certain things and catch some breeze .It's not that peaceful but I love it there ,the river flows sounds and birds tweets sounds ,so we sat near my favourite tree .
Menzi:People don't usually come here
Mbali: therefore no one is going to disturb us
Menzi:Woza nazo ke(Come out with it)
Mbali:Abazali bethu bafuna sishade menzi(Our parents want us to get married Menzi)
Menzi:(he was so calm after hearing this)So?
Mbali:We can't allow that to happen Menzi ,we have to stop them Menzi ,I don't wanna get married to you ,we are friends
Menzi:Angiyiboni into e'wrong mina lana yazi?(I don't see anything wrong about this)
Mbali:You knew about this?that's why you're so calm about it
Menzi:Bathumelwe yimi abantu basekhaya Mbali ,ngifuna ukushada wena Mbali (I'm the one who sent my parents to your home ,I wanna get married to you Mbali)(He came closer to me)
Mbali: Menzi?!How could you do this?why would you even do that ,I thought we were friends and please don't you dare touch me(I was so angry and annoyed ,can you believe this guy?)
Menzi:I didn't do anything wrong Mbali
Mbali:But you're in love with someone else menzi ,marry her!.
Menzi:That person is you ,that's why I didn't tell you the name because it is you ,I love you Mbali ,I loved you when we were 10 years old but I didn't know that was love ,it's been 8 years since I've been in love with you ,yearning to tell you but I didn't know how ,Mbali?(he came closer to me ,he looked at my eyes)Please marry me ,I know it's too soon but we already know each other better ,I had to send my family ,I had to talk to them ,my only crime was to not discuss this with you first but I was scared ,ngishade Mbali(Marry me Mbali)
Mbali:Menzi?angeke ngikhone ,asifani mina nawe and angik'thandi ngaleyondlela mina nakhona wubulima lento oyenzile(Menzi?I can't ,we are two different people and I don't love you romantically ,besides what you did is stupid)
He stepped a bit forward ,he looked disappointed
Menzi:Opposites attract Mbali ,you'll learn to love me Mbali
Mbali:No Menzi ,no(I walked away)
Menzi:Mbali! Mbali! uyaphi manje(where are you going)
Mbali:Don't follow me
My heart was broken ,I can't believe it was Menzi's idea ,this is just driving me crazy ,I don't know where to go but what I know is that I want to be alone .My journey led me to a peaceful place outside my kingdom ,it was more peaceful than that place I was in ,more bird tweets ,river flowing westwards sounds ,many trees with different fruits ,lady bugs all over the leaves .I sat down ,put my spear near me and took an apple from a tree ,I was more calm than before ,I erased my conversation with Menzi and decided to take a nap.

Uthando olungavumelekanga: Forbidden loveWhere stories live. Discover now