Chapter Thirty Three: captive

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Tokai Street

  Nelivia ran after the assassin Haze, she trailed only about 30ft behind. As she ran after the assassin, she questioned herself why she started chasing after this dangerous assassin. >What the hell am I doing? I could've just stayed back at the apartment and not get wrapped up in this mess...< Nelivia's mind was opposed to her instincts, but she was far away from the apartment, so there was no point in going back.

  While she ran after the assassin, not even once did Haze look back at Nelivia. Her steps were much louder than the assassin, but it didn't make sense why Haze wouldn't look back and take care of Nelivia. Perhaps she didn't care about the detective, or maybe she was just too focused on chasing the target set in front of her. "Ugh.." >Just how fit are these assassins? To run at this speed consistently? Crazy...< Nelivia felt herself running out of steam, soon enough, she would be slowing down and stop in her run. The two people in front of her were much faster, they have more endurance than her. And she fell behind, the figures in front of her were soon out of sight by the time Nelivia stopped running.

  She looked on hopelessly, panting, out of breath. She wasn't able to help whoever was being chased by Haze, a lost opportunity. Nelivia looked behind her, the tall building of the apartment was still in sight. Completely exhausted and worn out, she walked back to the apartment, making her way back, wanting to make sure both Kokori and Rośe were safe before she rested herself.


The Next Day

 Nelivia was the first to wake up of the three. She laid there on the couch, her arm over her forehead. The short sleep she had gotten didn't help her either, her body still felt sluggish as she rose from the couch. The knuckles of her hand rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleepiness out of her system. She went over to the stove, boiling some water; deciding to make some tea in the meantime.

  As Nelivia boiled the water, her mind transferred over to the night before. She wondered why the assassin had been chasing that person. Well, obviously it was part of her job as an assassin to kill people. But why that specific person? This was too much thinking in the morning so Nelivia decided to put it on the backburner and let it sit in the back of her mind for now.

  Once she finished pouring the boiling water into the cup, she let the tea leaves leak into the water, letting the flavor of the tea infect the water. Once done so, Nelivia picked up the cup, taking a sip of the tea. She decided to check up on Kokori and Rośe, seeing time passed much faster than she had initially thought. But before she did so, Nelivia wanted to call Eliward to see how she was doing.

  The phone rang a few times, Nelivia wasn't expecting an immediate answer knowing how late Eliward would be waking up now. After a few more rings, Nelivia was about to press the end call button but lo and behold, Eliward picked up.

  "Good morning Neli!" Eliward's voice came out for the phone speaker. Her voice had a tone of excitement and joy in it. "How are you holding up without me?" Nelivia asked her wife, it has only been a day and night but she knew her wife well enough to know that Eliward would miss her like crazy. "I'm doing okay, just wish you were there with me last night. Eliward responded with a disappointed sigh, "Yeah, I know." Nelivia expected that answer from her wife. "When are you coming home?" Eliward questioned, wanting to immediately know when her wife would come back. "I think sometime this evening. Although, we still have things to do and everything is unexpected." Nelivia gave thought into her answer, she was hoping she could come back home during the evening. "Well you better come back home in the evening!" Eliward lightly yelled into her phone. "Hehe, I know... See you later Eli!" Nelivia said, giving a kiss sound into the speaker before hanging up. "Okay, love you Neli!"

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